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05/20/2016 12:00 AM

Old Saybrook Cancer Walk 2016

The Annual Cancer Walk Fight for a Cure of 2016 held by Sean Brodeur and Lizzie O’Brien invites students, families, everyone of all ages to participate in this year’s event. It will be held Friday, June, 3rd from 5:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. at the Old Saybrook Middle School. The walk promotes cancer awareness while bringing the community together in a safe and fun way for a great cause.

The proceeds from the walk will go to the Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation in honor of Sean’s mother to fund research and to an account within Youth and Family Services to help those in need affected by cancer. The walking track surrounds the fields at OSMS. A program highlighting a dedication to those affected by cancer will begin at 7:00 followed by the traditional candlelight vigil. Also there will be inflatables, games, a live DJ, and refreshments. All are welcome.