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04/22/2016 12:00 AMGet ready for change! Two programs are offered this May providing a fun, informational night designed to give youngsters a better understanding of the changes their bodies will go through during puberty. Topics will also include the importance of maintaining a positive body image and how to deal with difficult situations which may arise during this dynamic time.
OSYFS is offering this program for boys in grades 5 and 6 and their fathers or male caregivers on May 10th from 6 - 8 pm at the Vicki Duffy Pavilion at Saybrook Point. Pre-registration is required and the $30 cost (per pair) covers pizza, soda and resource materials. The program will be facilitated by OSYFS MSW intern Richard Simonson.
On May 24th from 6 - 8 pm, Nurse and educator Patty Cournoyer will facilitate the program for girls in grades 4 and 5 and their mothers or female caregivers, also at the Vicki Duffy Pavilion at Saybrook Point. Cost is $30 (per pair) and overs the resource materials, goodie bags and light refreshments. Pre-registration is required.
Space is limited. Call OSYFS at 860-395-3190 to register.