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03/25/2016 12:00 AM


Fox cub photo taken at the Guilford Town Marina

Guilford is bustling with wildlife. Residents see the squirrels, raccoons, and woodchucks all the time. There are also frequent reports of other animals as well.

What do you do if a bear is seen feasting at your birdfeeder?

If a coyote is skulking along your property line at dusk is there reason to be concerned?

What is the relationship between dogs and wildlife? Are your pets at risk? What is the impact of dogs on the birds, small mammals and reptiles that use Guilford’s open spaces at habitats?

Learn how to live with wildlife in your backyard and in the woods at a special program presented by the Town of Guilford Conservation Commission.

Living with Wildlife: When Natures Comes to Call will take place on Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 2 pm at Guilford Free Library 67 Park Street, Guilford CT.

Christopher Vann, Wildlife Technician/Biologist at Connecticut DEEP, will discuss common wildlife problems and solutions. Including:

-- Conflicts and damages caused by common small mammals, but also deer, bears and coyotes

-- The interaction between dogs and wildlife

-- Recommended control methods

“This is a valuable program for anyone who enjoys the outdoors with kids and pets,” says Laura Collins, Chair, Guilford Conservation Commission.

The Guilford Conservation Commission is a Town Commission charged with the development, conservation, supervision and regulation of natural resources, including water resources, within the territorial limits of Guilford. Commissioners are appointed by Board of Selectmen upon recommendation of the Town Committee.