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06/28/2023 09:42 AM

Calvin Leete School Wins Connecticut Scholastic Team Chess Championships

Pictured are Luke Bartek, Rylan Chang and Leroy Chang, the members of the Calvin Leete School chess team that won the 2023 Connecticut Scholastic Team Chess Championships. Photo courtesy of Julie Metjahic

Calvin Leete School is the Connecticut State Elementary School Team Champion in the 2023 Connecticut Scholastic Team Chess Championships.

The Calvin Leete School team included Rylan Chang (1st grade), Leroy Chang (2nd grade) and Luke Bartek (3rd grade). Rylan, Leroy and Luke played five games each. Both Rylan and Leroy won all five games with perfect scores of 5.0, and the Calvin Leete School team won 13.0 in total as the first place team competing in the K-3 and K-5 teams.

Rylan and Leroy also qualified for the Chess Nationals in the spring.