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06/26/2024 08:30 AM

Chris Drezek: Old Saybrook’s New Superintendent

Chris Drezek is excited to be Old Saybrook’s new superintendent after having started his tenure in the position in May. Photo courtesy of Chris Drezek

Old Saybrook recently welcomed a new key player to town when new Superintendent Chris Drezek officially started his job at the end of May.

In February, the Old Saybrook Board of Education announced that Chris would be replacing Jan Perruccio, the departing superintendent, later in the year. Speaking with the Harbor News in mid-June, Chris says it’s been a busy but fun start for him so far in Old Saybrook.

“The first month has been great. Starting at the end of May, it’s been the busiest time of year with awards nights and graduation, but it’s also the best time of year because everyone is in a celebratory mood,” Chris explains.

Chris says that he’s currently working on building relationships in Old Saybrook and getting familiar with everyone in the district, as well as outlining what his key goals will be for the 2024-’25 school year.

“Right now, I’m trying to listen and asses the great work that’s been done and start working on the strategic plan. The district is really invested with the plan, and I’ll be working on figuring out what work needs to be done to move that plan into year four,” Chris says.

Chris says he’s glad that he decided to take the superintendent’s position Old Saybrook.

“It’s been extremely busy, but the response I’ve gotten from everyone in the community has been extremely warm, and I get to come to work every morning and say I made the right decision,” Chris says.

Chris says it was a “perfect storm” that brought him to town. Chris had been serving as the superintendent in Enfield—a district in which he had worked in for close to 20 years—but he and his wife were soon facing the reality of becoming empty nesters with one kid in college and other soon to graduate high school. Chris and his wife had discussed eventually moving closer to the shoreline when the Old Saybrook position became available.

“It was a decision I made with 100-percent support of my family. We’ll be looking to move down closer to the shoreline in the next year or two, and it was kind of funny the way everything kind of lined up,” Chris says.

When he was growing up, Chris didn’t necessarily think that a career in education was going to be in his future.

“I’d be lying if I said as a high school senior that I could see myself being superintendent,” Chris says with a chuckle.

However, as time went by, Chris came to realize that besides his family, the people who influenced him the most were the teachers and coaches he worked with over the years.

“I knew I wanted to have a purpose where I could have the same impact on students as those people did on me when I was a kid,” Chris says.

In addition to working as a superintendent, Chris has served in a variety of other roles in education, from being a teacher to a human resources director to coaching girls’ softball.

“Even though I’ve spent a lot of time working in central office administration jobs, I still say the best job I had was as a teacher and softball coach,” Chris says.

Chris’s favorite aspect of working in education is how it gives him the potential to have a positive impact on a young person’s life.

“My favorite part is the kids. Specifically, when they leave and come back or stay in touch to tell you what they’re up to,” Chris says.

Chris notes that while other jobs may offer rewarding moments, working in education allows him to hear from former students about the direct influence he had on their lives.

“One thing I always make a priority in every job is to get to know as many students as I can. Making an impact on a kid’s life is the best part for me,” Chris says.

Chris grew up in nearby Meriden, but was frequently down in the shoreline as a kid, and had grown familiar with the area prior to taking the Old Saybrook job. In his spare time that isn’t spent with family, Chris is an avid golfer.

Although he’s only been working in Old Saybrook for a short time, Chris has been touched by the warm greeting he’s received since starting his new job in town.

“The reception from the community has been overwhelming. Even just walking through the high school and having random kids say, ‘Hi, you must be the new superintendent,’ was a highlight. The reception from everyone has been the best part,” Chris says.