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06/19/2024 08:30 AM

Mike Shove: Finding Ways to Serve the Community

Mike Shove has made a career of finding ways to serve his community. Photo courtesy of Mike Shove

From serving on Clinton’s Town Council to helping run the Guilford Fire Department, Mike Shove has made a career of finding ways to serve his community.

In early January, the Clinton Town Council was facing a serious dilemma. Tragically, former member Tom Hollinger had recently passed away, leaving a vacancy on the seven-person council. During the previous year, Mike had expressed to some town officials that he was eager to find more ways to volunteer his time in Clinton, so he was contacted about filling the vacancy.

“They came to me and asked if I was still interested. Working for the town of Guilford for years, I felt I had a lot of managerial experience, municipal experience, experience with things like budgets, as well as experience with the federal government. I thought I could help,” Mike recalls.

Mike was appointed to the position and since has played a key part in what’s been a busy six months for the council.

“The thing I’m most proud of so far is being involved in the new town manager process. At the time I joined, we had no finance director, needed an interim town manager, and a new town manager. There was a lot of chaos and a lot of moving schedules around to make meetings,” says Mike.

However, in recent weeks Mike and the council have been able to weather that initially bumpy road. The town has recently hired a full-time finance director and town manager, something Mike says he’s relieved to see done.

“I feel like we can almost rest. We have a new town manager, and we can work with her and meet with her to plan some strategic goals about how to make the town better,” Mike says. “It’s been good being a part of the council where everyone is asking, ‘What’s best for Clinton?’ and coming at it from that approach.”

Mike’s interest in community involvement began when he was kid growing up in Guilford. Like many Guilford kids of the last few decades, Mike grew up playing soccer. When they were in high school, Mike’s friends convinced him to sign up for a program that is now called the Cadets Program.

“I ended up joining the volunteer fire department at 15, and the rest is kind of history,” Mike says with a laugh.

After high school, Mike joined the United States Coast Guard, where he served as an active duty and reserve member for close to 20 years. After his time in the Coast Guard, Mike returned to the Guilford Fire Department, where he rose up the ranks from a firefighter and EMT to captain and, finally, to his current position as assistant chief of operations.

“I love it. Giving back and helping your community be a better place is something that’s important to me,” Mike says.

When asked his favorite part of working for the department, Mike responds, “It’s working with people.”

“It can be a lot of difficult work, but making sure everyone’s needs are met is important and something I like,” says Mike.

Mike and his wife moved to Clinton in 2004, and Mike is glad they made that move.

“I love it. Clinton was affordable, and we moved to a place that I could be back in Guilford quickly if there was an emergency. It’s a quaint, quiet shoreline town, and we really like it,” Mike says.

Mike has steadily increased his involvement in Clinton over the years. He’s served on the Public Works Commission for close to 10 years and has also volunteered with various youth sports in town.

“I want the same things I was able to experience growing up in Guilford for my kids in Clinton,” Mike says.

When he’s not working, Mike can be found skiing, boating, or spending time with his family.

“I have two kids who are both involved in sports, so most of my free time, I’m usually on a sideline somewhere,” Mike says with a laugh.

Although he didn’t grow up in Clinton, Mike has certainly enjoyed his time in town.

“I just feel like it’s a great tight-knit community. It has great food, you can go hiking, or you can go down by the beach. It’s between New York and Boston, so you have easy access to everywhere,” Mike says.

“The biggest thing for me is the community offers so much. The education is good, the town offers a lot, and I feel like people are just friendly here.”