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05/14/2024 11:42 AM

Morris All About Moving as a Team as Doubles Specialist for NH Tennis

North Haven girls’ tennis senior doubles player Chandler Morris loves being around her doubles partners and teammates as a cool, calm, and composed court player for the Nighthawks. Photo courtesy of Chandler Morris

For Chandler Morris, she truly loves to be among her colleagues whenever she is taking part in sports. So it comes with very little shock that once she decided to take her athletic abilities to the tennis court, she truly flowed freely and flourished as part of a package deal.

The North Haven senior, who also occupies another court for the Nighthawks in the fall in a volleyball setting, first picked up a racquet at the age of 6. After taking on lessons at a local pool club, she joined her middle school team. Following taking a brief detour away from tennis to focus on softball, she then went back to tennis once she started high school.

This spring, Chandler is standing tall, both on her immediate and collective teams, as part of the No. 1 doubles team and as a senior leader for the Nighthawks, who are off to an 11-4 record this campaign.

“I have always loved outdoor sports. With this team, I love playing with my teammates. The bus rides to matches are lots of fun and good times with good friends,” says Chandler, who sports a 10-1 doubles record in 2024. “A lot of my success with tennis I think comes from being patient because you will have good and bad days in this sport. You have to hold yourself accountable and not get overwhelmed too quickly.”

Chandler fancies herself as a social butterfly on the court, whether before or after matches, or even in between sets. She notes that while it can be tough not having outright and absolute control of your team’s activities during a match, it is important to keep levels of levity no matter the scenario.

“I love to socialize while I am playing,” says Chandler. “I also love having the chance to talk to my partner during matches. It can be tough not being in control the whole time when you are out there with a partner. You also have to sort of make fun of yourself when you are not doing well.”

Furthermore, when comparing and contrasting her tenures as a solo act and being part of a duet, Chandler having that total control can certainly seem daunting mentally. She explains, though, that on the doubles end of things, it provides a homely and familiar feel from another season.

“When you play alone, it is easier to get in your own head and become overwhelmed with the situation. You cannot blame anyone but yourself in singles, and it can be heartbreaking at times,” Chandler says. “In doubles, it is fun to not be alone out there, and I like the teamwork aspect of it. It is similar to volleyball in that regard.”

Chandler actually started out her career with the Nighthawks on the lower end of the singles lineup, playing behind an all-veteran trio in the solo division. That situation created a great deal of pressure and expectations in her head, though much like life, she discovered the sport is what you make of it.

“My freshman year I had to play No. 4 singles, and all of the girls in front of me were seniors. I would be impatient and get worked up when I lost a match,” says Chandler. “In the past few years, I have learned to enjoy the sport a lot more. It may be a serious game, but you cannot take yourself too seriously all the time. I learned that if I lost but I still tried my hardest, it was worth losing.”

Chandler is in her element as far as her skill set when playing doubles, as it gives her the opportunity to crash the nets and let in lobs for North Haven tallies. Moving it back to the conversation about control, she loves to additionally provide quality service in more ways than one.

“I love doubles because I can volley or stay at the net, and I love hitting volleys,” says Chandler. “I really also love serving. I like it because it is the one time you hold the ball and can control the game and take your time.”

North Haven Head Coach Rob Migliorini heaps high praise upon Chandler for not only her acumen in a duos domain, but also her knack to lead via example and her personality.

“Chandler as a senior has been a four-year starter in our lineup, playing both singles and doubles. She is the best doubles player that I have coached in 16 years,” says Migliorini. “She is a super leader and liked by all the girls on the team. Chandler always has a smile on her face and is a pleasure to coach and be around. She will be sorely missed on next year’s team.”

The Nighthawks have had to take on a bit of a rebuilding moniker for this 2024 season, yet it certainly has not made way for a campaign of failures. The girls have seen a lot of new and prodigious underclassmen step up, stand tall, and deliver between the baselines.

“This year, we lost so many starters from last season’s team. Fortunately, we have gained a lot of new freshmen this year,” says Chandler. “We are excited to have a lot of new players with a background in tennis. We are becoming closer through the matches and bus rides. We are all working together to become more skilled and be better teammates.”