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12/09/2015 07:30 AM

Rev. Karen Gronback Johnson: Pastor and Founding Member of East Haven United

Rev. Karen Gronback Johnson has been the pastor of Old Stone Church for the past 14 years and the president of East Haven United since its inception.

For the past 14 years, Reverend Karen Gronback Johnson has been the pastor of Old Stone Church in East Haven. As the leader of her church, Karen has always looked for ways to help people and several years ago, teamed up with other local churches to form East Haven United to help even more people in the community.

“A few years ago when all of the heavy stuff went down with the Police Department, five pastors from five churches had a press conference to offer our churches as a safe space,” says Karen, who is married with two children. “We had some conversations with the Latino and Hispanic community that were very well-attended.”

Seeing how much was accomplished by working together, Karen approached Father Tom Sievel at St. Vincent de Paul Church.

“We thought if we join forces, we could see what we could do for the community,” says Karen. “People get to know each other when they work together.”

In June 2013, East Haven United was born. The group is a faith-based organization with about 40 members. It is supported by the major churches in town—Old Stone Church, St. Vincent de Paul, Christ and the Epiphany, St. Clare, St. Elizabeth, and Our Lady of Pompeii. The group meets the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. in the St. Vincent de Paul parish house.

Its first project was a backpack collection that saw 86 stuffed backpacks donated to those in need. The program has grown and this past fall, East Haven United delivered 102 backpacks to the superintendent’s office.

East Haven United then set its sights on establishing a Community Kitchen. After much work, the Community Kitchen opened at Christ and the Epiphany Church and has been serving a hot meal from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of every month. The first meal had 30 in attendance; the number more than doubled with 70 at the last meal. It has grown enough that East Haven United is adding a second meal, which will be offered on the first Saturday of every month.

“Anybody can come and have a meal. You get to sit down, somebody serves you a hot meal for no cost, and you get to meet your neighbors,” says Karen. “We have a whole kitchen crew that decides on menu and cooks it that day, as well as people who clean up and serve.”

Karen noted that East Haven United is always accepting donations, which can be used for East Haven United’s general fund or specified for use at the Community Kitchen.

“Our biggest focus has been the Community Kitchen, so a lot of our funds go there,” says Karen. “We’re keeping it local—100 percent of donations go straight to East Haven United and 100 percent of what we do is for the town.”

East Haven United is in the process of creating a community garden. The group has looked into several possibilities for a plot, but it has not been able to secure one yet. Karen says, once the land is secured, the group plans to rent out plots to members of the community.

“I’d love to do it in conjunction with the schools,” says Karen, who is a published poet and a member of the Guilford Poets Guild. “Imagine if we could have a community garden or Garden Club at the high school—that could be great. People have to know where their food comes from.”

Karen noted that East Haven United is always looking for more volunteers, especially those to take part with the English as a Second Language program that allows those learning English to have conversations with those fluent in English.

While Karen has been very busy with East Haven United, she is also in the midst of the Christmas season at Old Stone Church with a variety of events and celebrations planned throughout the month.

“I look forward to the Christmas season. It requires a whole lot of planning that happens middle to end of November so by the time Christmas is here, I get to experience the best of the season,” says Karen. “My family and I stopped giving gifts years ago, so there is no big pressure to go out and buy and spend. We can focus more on the real gift, which is Jesus Christ coming into the world.”

Upcoming events include Christmas in New England, which is new this year, along with a candlelight service, an ecumenical Longest Night Service, and a Christmas Eve communion service.

“The candlelight service is very beautiful with lessons and carols,” says Karen. “The Longest Night service is for those who have lost someone. Christmas isn’t always a happy time for everyone for various reasons so it’s nice to have a slow and gentle service.”

Karen stresses that all are welcome at Old Stone Church, which is a member of the United Church of Christ. She encourages everyone to attend an event or service.

“One of our slogans is ‘No matter whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here,’” says Karen. “We are a covenanted church, which means we choose to be together, as opposed to a creedal church, where everyone has to adhere to a specific belief.”

In addition to being a pastor, a founding member of East Haven United, a published poet, a wife, and a mother, Karen is also a member of the Juvenile Review Board and a police chaplain. With all of this, she has seen the important role that the church, her faith, and God have played in her life.

“We hear so much about Christians who don’t believe in evolution, who think that homosexuality is a sin, who are forever telling people who is saved and who is not—the United Church of Christ, of which Old Stone Church is a member, is a thinking person’s church,” says Karen. “We believe that each person is a beloved child of God and we strive to extend extravagant welcome to all. In this broken world where terrorism seems to be increasing in the U.S., I think that the church can offer perspective, comfort, and challenge. God’s love is a powerful thing; love, mercy and forgiveness are God’s gifts to everyone.”

Christmas Events at Old Stone Church

251 Main Street

Saturday, Dec. 12

Christmas in New England: 2 to 6 p.m.; Carriage rides, caroling, bonfire, s’mores, hot chocolate, and cider. Candlelight Service at 7 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 19

The Longest Night Service at 7 p.m. For those grieving lost loved ones this holiday season.

Thursday, Dec. 24

Christmas Eve Communion Service by candlelight at 11 p.m.