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10/22/2015 12:00 AM

Barcomb Looks to Leave Mark on East Haven Athletics

Alyssa Barcomb has played all ends of the court for the East Haven volleyball squad, which helps her lend a hand to her teammates as one of the Yellowjackets’ captains.

Senior Alyssa Barcomb has been heavily involved in the East Haven athletics scene throughout her time at the high school as she’s competed for the volleyball, pom-pom, and softball squads. Alyssa has seen her fair share of success as a Yellowjacket, which includes her helping the softball team win the Class L state championship this past spring.

“It was the most exciting moment of my life,” says Alyssa. “I feel like us winning really brought back determination to all the teams because now they know it’s possible. Us winning set goals for not only our team for next year, but teams in other sports, too. “

Alyssa has played softball throughout her life and patrols the outfield for the Yellowjackets. In volleyball, however, she’s learned to play a new position virtually every season. Alyssa was a setter throughout middle school, moved to middle hitter for her first two years of high school, then played right outside hitter last year. Now, she’s back at the setter’s spot in her final campaign at East Haven.

“It’s getting easier because it’s all I work on at practice. I don’t hit anymore,” says Alyssa of her latest switch. “The most challenging part was the setter gets every second ball, so I had to work on getting to the second ball, instead of getting to the attack line to hit.”

Alyssa is one the most integral members of the Yellowjackets and that’s a big reason why Head Coach Craig Brown chose her as a captain for his club.

“This is her third year starting and fourth year on varsity and she’s played three different positions. She’s learned to take criticism, adjust, and to communicate with her teammates,” says Brown. “She’s a gamer. She wants to play and will make an adjustment to help the team win.”

Alyssa was excited to take on the role of captain and feels she brings added value to East Haven based on the fact that she’s seen time at so many different spots.

“It’s very important because I know the girls look up to me. They know I’m always there for them and that’s my favorite part of being a captain. Also, I think it was good because I have so much experience at every part of the court. They know they can come to me,” says Alyssa. “I feel like the girls respect my opinion because they know I’ve been through what they’re going through, so they take and understand my advice.”

Another reason why Alyssa is so important to her teams is because she knows what it takes to win. East Haven softball has become an elite program through her tenure and the volleyball squad has posted a winning record in three of her four years with the team.

“Through winning, I’ve learned that anything is possible,” says Alyssa. “[The softball team] had so many people doubting us, but we persevered and won, despite the odds.”

Alyssa was also part of the pom-pom squad for her first three years at East Haven, but has decided to forgo her senior season to find a job that will better prepare her for college. Alyssa hasn’t made a decision about where she’s going just yet, but says she’d like to pursue volleyball at the next level.

“I’m looking at colleges for volleyball. I enjoy volleyball,” she says. “Volleyball to me is a good distraction if I have anything going on. I can always look to volleyball to get my mind off anything. It always makes me feel better.”