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09/05/2024 05:20 PM

Richard Galardy

Richard Edward Galardy, born to Albert and Carlita on Nov. 28, 1946, passed away on Aug. 30, 2024, following a long illness. He is survived by a brother, Robert, and nieces, Ellen and Elizabeth. Richard was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

He graduated from Dartmouth College and was an active member of the Dartmouth Outing Club. He was awarded a doctoral degree from Rockefeller University. He worked at Yale as a research chemist and taught and researched at the University of Kentucky, where he developed a medication to treat eye infections. Later, he consulted with various medical companies. He lived most of his life in Connecticut, choosing to be as close to the Long Island Sound as he could get. He loved fishing and all things related to the water and nature.

Friends and neighbors have expressed sorrow for the loss a good friend, a good neighbor and colleague. The family thanks everyone for their kind remembrances.