Police Line Item Transfer Set for Dec. 18 Meeting
A special town meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 18, in Town Hall for voters to approve a line item transfer for the police department to meet contractual salary increases.
The total transfer request is for $211,433. If approved, the town’s contingency account would be decreased by $211,433 while the police salaries full-time line would increase by $196,408, and the employer social security contribution by line would increase by $15,025. Robert Tait, the finance director for the town, further said that the transfer included $112,000 in wage increases, $64,000 in separation payout, and $20,000 in non-union increases. The money represents the fiscal year 2023-'24 and 2024-'25 contractual salary increases.
The Town Council unanimously voted to approve the transfer and call a town meeting for residents to vote on the move at a meeting on Nov. 20.
Town Manager Michelle Benivegna explained why the transfer was needed following the Nov. 20 meeting.
“The line transfer item you’re referring to is for the police department's contractual obligation for wages. At the time the budget was finalized, the police department’s contract was not yet settled, so the anticipated funds needed for this were placed in the contingency account,” Benivegna explained.
“Once the contract was finalized, it became necessary to transfer those funds, which reflect two years in wages. According to the town charter section 10-4, any transfers from the contingency account that exceed $50,000 require a town meeting for approval. This process is entirely procedural to ensure compliance with our governing documents,” she continued.