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10/10/2024 12:00 AM

Great Things Happen Through Community Connections

The Community Foundation of Middlesex County (CFMC) is proud to support local nonprofits in partnership with community members who are passionate about improving the quality of life for all where we live, work, or play. We call it “Connecting the Dots,” if you will, as individuals, groups, and businesses work through CFMC to grant funds and other assistance to organizations addressing immediate and future needs by providing vital services to our most vulnerable citizens. When the dots are connected, there is a community-wide ripple effect, and great things happen throughout Middlesex County, helping to ensure that our communities thrive.

One of our favorite “dot-connecting” examples involves babies, a group of dedicated volunteers, and a very talented creative team. Over the years, CFMC has been in awe of the commitment by Bare Necessities to keeping babies happy, healthy, and dry by supporting families in need with essential supplies. The all-volunteer leadership and staff provide diapers and wipes to local food pantries and other service organizations throughout southern Middlesex County. We know them well through their participation in CFMC workshops, and we love to sing the organization’s praises.

We also love to tout the many talents of another CFMC partner, Option A Group, which is a creative studio offering content marketing, video production, design, and other services. Most recently, Option A Group’s dedicated team helped us share our message with the community through the CFMC’s 25th anniversary video.

One day at a CFMC-hosted event, the folks from Bare Necessities connected with the folks from Option A Group, and a new connection took shape…did it ever! What happens when you combine a passion to help families and babies with the magic of an energetic and creative team? Voila! A new Bare Necessities shuttle bus “wrapped with love, new magic, and Bare Necessities’ logo.” Exterior graphics would create greater awareness of Bare Necessities’ essential services and, with the help of a CFMC grant, they were able to budget for a design covering half the vehicle.

Option A Group began work, learning all about the mission of Bare Necessities, and one thing became apparent—the message was deserving of a more impactful and full-vehicle wrap, and Option A was determined to make that happen. They gathered information on the additional expenses and then reached out to CFMC with an offer to fund expansion of the grant to cover it all. Now, thanks to both organizations and CFMC donors, “The wheels on the Bare Necessities bus” will deliver supplies to shelters and pantries in multiple towns…with style, smiles, and community awareness.

CFMC is grateful for all of our donors, partners, and nonprofit organizations who make great things happen by working together in areas of interest which they care about: community enrichment, healthcare, social services, economic security and development, the environment, animal welfare, recreation, women and girls, at-risk boys and young men, seniors, veterans, and more. Thank you for helping us make even the smallest gift have a big impact.

CFMC is proud to be accredited with Community Foundations National Standards, the nation's highest and most rigorous standard for philanthropic excellence. We are thrilled to share all the great things that are happening because of good people like you. We invite you to learn more by calling us at 860-347-0025 or visiting us online at