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09/13/2024 11:52 AM

Clinton Sends Letter Urging Governor to Take Action on Electricity Bills


The Clinton Town Council unanimously voted to send a letter to Governor Ned Lamont urging him to take action to fight against the increase in electric bills from Eversource. The later was sent in late August.

On July 1, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority approved rate adjustments which have led to a sharp increase in electric bills for Eversource customers across the state. The topic was recently broached at the Aug. 21 Town Council meeting when council member Mike Shove brought up an email the council received from a resident concerned about the steep increase to electric bills.

After a discussion, the council unanimously voted to authorize town Council Chairman Carrie Allen and Town Manager Michelle Benivegna to send a letter to Governor Lamont advocating for him to find a way to stem the raising costs affecting individuals, as well as the municipalities. Benivegna said that the town’s electricity costs have gone up 24% since the rate increase.

“We’re not telling them what to do, but I think it’s important to bring everyone to the table and, if the legislature is not going to come to the table unless there’s pressure from the communities, we need to stand united together,” Shove said during the discussion.

Town Council member Chris Aniskovich (R) also serves as the state representative for the 35th district, which includes Clinton. Aniskovich said he has been frequently fielding calls from constituents concerned about the cost of their electric bill. Aniskovich told the council that some members of the legislature have urged for a special session in September to try and figure out ways to alleviate the increase before the budget is certified that month. Aniskovich instead said that there has been speculation about possibly holding a session in January, but that is not set yet, either.

“No finger pointing. No politics. This is about the citizens in our state that cannot pay their bill. That’s it,” Aniskovich said during the meeting.

Aniskovich is running for re-election this year.

The letter sent to the governor states in full:

Dear Governor Lamont,

On behalf of the Town Council and residents of Town of Clinton, we are writing to request your immediate action to address the steep increases in electric bills imposed by Eversource. The recent surge in utility rates has significantly impacted our community, creating a financial burden that is becoming increasingly unsustainable.

While the media has highlighted the factors contributing to these rising costs, it is crucial to understand the direct consequences for our residents, businesses, and municipality. Many of our residents are now faced with the distressing choice of paying for essential needs such as food or risking utility shutoff due to their inability to afford their electricity bills. This situation is exacerbated by the struggles already faced by small businesses in our town, which are now compelled to pass these increased costs onto their customers, further straining local consumers.

Additionally, our municipality is grappling with a 24% increase in electric costs, a burden that will ultimately fall on our taxpayers. This combination of rising personal and municipal expenses creates a dire financial situation for everyone in Clinton.

We respectfully urge you to prioritize this issue and consider implementing measures to provide relief from these out-of-control energy costs. Immediate action is essential to prevent further hardship for our community and to support the well-being of our residents and local businesses.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your response and action to alleviate the financial strain on the Town of Clinton.