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09/11/2024 03:10 PM

North Haven Garden Club Makes Flower Displays for Hospice

Members of the North Haven Garden Club’s garden therapy group visited Connecticut Hospice to make arrangements for the patients’ rooms and beside tables, as well as the nurses’ stations and hallways. Photo courtesy of Cindy Golia

Press Release from Cindy Golia

During the first week of September, members of the North Haven Garden Club’s garden therapy group gathered in the flower room at Connecticut Hospice to make arrangements for the patients’ rooms and bedside tables, as well as the nurses’ stations and hallways. Club members Laurie Falco, Deb Armitage, and Wini Colleran created beautiful arrangements in vases to brighten the patients’ rooms.

Check out the North Haven Garden Club on Facebook for lots of useful and entertaining information and pictures of all the club does in North Haven. For membership information, please email Italia at

North Haven Garden Club is a member of The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut Inc., New England Garden Clubs Inc., and The National Garden Clubs Inc.