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09/11/2024 02:09 PM

Daytime Gardeners of North Haven Host Educational Exhibit at Town Fair

The Daytime Gardeners of North Haven provided an educational exhibit at the North Haven Fair illustrating the progression of the germination of seeds. Photo courtesy of Sally Brockett

Press Release from Sally Brockett

The Daytime Gardeners of North Haven provided an educational exhibit at the North Haven Fair from Sept. 5 to Sept. 8. Club members prepared a display to illustrate the progression of the germination of seeds to seedling growth, pollination, harvest of produce, and the final product which might be made from the plants.

The display progressed from the sprouting bean seeds in a seed tray to a tray of seedling beans to a bean plant with beans ready to pick. Crafted bees and butterflies fluttered about the display to demonstrate pollinators which are so important in the process. A box was filled with harvested produce, including zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes, okra, peppers of various kinds, peaches, and plums. Herbs were growing on a window box hung on the white picket fence, and bouquets of flowers decorated the area. The final products included a variety of canned goods such as stewed tomatoes, tomato juice, jams, pickles, and a loaf of zucchini bread.

The Daytime Gardeners are grateful for the contributions of small pumpkins, a sky pencil holly, and a flowering celosia from Bell Nurseries. Frankie Muzio kindly contributed some of his organically grown fruits and vegetables for the harvest box. The fair was a wonderful event for North Haven, and the club’s members enjoyed creating this educational exhibit to share with the community.

Individual members of the garden club also contributed entries in several of the fair exhibits, including vegetables, breads, cookies, flowers, and woodworking. The club won four first-place ribbons, two second-place ribbons, and two third-place ribbons.

If you enjoy gardening and activities associated with plants and nature, please contact the Daytime Gardeners at to learn more about membership. The club’s Facebook page shows many of its projects and provides notices of its upcoming meetings, which are open to the public.