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08/29/2024 10:16 PM

Energy and Excitment: Back to School in North Branford

On North Branford’s first day of school Aug. 28, Jerome Harrison School (JHS) new second grader Joseph Maresca receives a special greeting from (l-r) JHS principal Beth Parker, Superintendent of Schools Scott Schoonmaker and North Branford Chief of Police James Lovelace. Pam Johnson/The Sound
Superintendent Shares High School Project Update

As North Branford Public Schools (NBPS) kicked off the new school year on Aug. 28, Superintendent of Schools Scott Schoonmaker, joined by North Branford Police Chief James Lovelace, was outside to greet students as they returned to the high school, intermediate school, and elementary school buildings across town.

Schoonmaker also shared an update with Zip06/The Sound regarding the work underway to complete the final phase of construction at the new North Branford High School (NBHS). The first phase of the project, which brought in the new, three-story academic building, has been in operation since April 2023. More academic spaces are being incorporated into the second and final phase of the building, which will also include the school’s new gymnasium.

“Phase Two is moving along,” said Schoonmaker. “They’ve done an amazing job over the summer, so we’re hoping that by the end of September the academic part will be open, and hopefully by mid-October for the gymnasium. So it’s been exciting, and Phase Two is exciting as Phase One. We can’t wait,“ said Schoonmaker.

Schoonmaker said the the district was filled with back-to-school excitement and energy on the first day of school.

“You can see the excitement of the students as they enter, from all levels -- pre-K all the way through their senior year in high school; and you can see it in the staff, as well. They’re full of energy and they’re excited to be coming back,” said Schoonmaker.

Jerome Harrison School principal Beth Parker said it was a happy first day for North Branford’s youngest students at the pre-K through grade two school. Parker said the best part of starting a new school year is “...seeing all of our children and their smiling faces, and welcoming them back to Jerome Harrison for another great year.”

Being there to greet students on the first day of school is part of NBPD’s goal to offer a reassuring police presence continuously through the school year and beyond, and to be engaged with the children of the town and the school district, said Lovelace.

“We always have a great partnership with the Superintendent, the principals, and the teachers,” said Lovelace. “It’s very important for us and I think it’s very important for the community. And, our officers thoroughly enjoy getting out of the cruisers and doing something different where they can interact with the children and the staff on a routine basis. It’s one of the best parts of our job.”

Schoonmaker said school safety was part of the message underscoring the NBPS convocation on Aug. 26, which was attended by over 300 staff members from all units.

In addition to continued school safety, the convocation touched upon supporting aspects of social-emotional learning, and ensuring school environments which allow staff and students to be “comfortable, challenged and ready to learn,” said Schoonmaker.