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08/26/2024 03:39 PM

East Haven Adopts $1.8 Million in Capital Expenditures


On Aug. 6, the East Haven Town Council passed a total of $1,844,200 in monies for various capital improvement plans to bolster several of the the town’s municipal services. These expenditures will go toward improving the town’s capabilities in the areas of technology and communication, recreation, and public safety, among other areas.

The East Haven Building Department will receive $70,000 “for the conversion of records to a digital system,” said Mayor Joseph Carfora.

This allocation is in line with Carfora’s goal to modernize East Haven Town Hall and its services since he first took office in 2019. The mayor has stated to both The Courier and in previous State of the Town addresses the importance of bolstering East Haven’s Information Technology Department, thereby bringing communication and the delivering of services into the digital age.

“We recognize the pivotal role technology plays in shaping our future, but most importantly, making it easier for our taxpayers and stakeholders to access the services that they need in an orderly and efficient manner,” Carfora said in his State of the Town Address earlier this year.

Ed Sabatino of the East Haven Office of Administration & Management said the digitization of the building records gives the department’s personnel more flexibility “to work on their own time,” stating, “They’re not restricted to the times that we’re open.”

“It brings us into the 24-hour workday for people,” Sabatino added. “We help make things a lot easier…for business owners, for people to [get] permits.”

Furthermore, East Haven’s Information Technology Department will receive $40,000 for the replacement of backup hardware.

The East Haven Police Department will also receive technological boosts totaling $365,000 in capital expenditures, starting with $250,000 for license plate reader cameras which will be attached to road poles. According to Town Attorney Michael Luzzi, there are also software upgrades for license plate readers which are currently in use on police vehicles included in that cost.

The department will also be receiving a new generator at the cost of $115,000.

Continuing with public safety, the East Haven Fire Department is receiving $160,000 in capital expenditures for a currently undetermined purpose. Carfora said the monies were originally laid out in the 2024-’25 capital budget plan for the purchase of diesel exhaust removal systems at several firehouses, but that was fulfilled by a greater $173,000 grant which was recently awarded to the department to cover the costs.

“We’ll reallocate the $160,000,” said Carfora.

Carfora went on to elaborate on his ardent commitment toward improving public safety services in town.

“I do not falter at all with police and fire. Absolutely not. I am all on board for the public safety of our residents and our safety responses for them. Whatever police and fire need, I go above and beyond to get it to them because I do not waver at all on public safety,” he said.

East Haven Public Works has been allocated $928,000 as part of its own “ongoing effort” with respect to modernization, said Carfora. The department will see some of its “dilapidated” equipment replaced by a new brush chipper and mason dump, which Carfora said the town needs “very badly.”

Equipment expenditures total $308,000, while the remaining $620,000 is directed toward improvements in East Haven sidewalks, draining, and critical building repairs at the 100-year old Town Hall.

“We’re going to repoint all of our bricks outside,” said Carfora.

The East Haven Recreation Department has received $50,000 for the installation of an in-line skating floor at Veterans Memorial Ice Rink. This way, the department can fulfill a large demand for indoor floor hockey leagues at the venue, said Carfora.

“There already seems to be a pretty hearty appetite for it,” he said. “Since the word got out that we’re doing that, our parks department phone lines are blowing up.”

There has also been $30,000 allocated to repair headstones at The Old Cemetery, which located is across from the Town Green, while additional grants are looking to be acquired in the future for the cemetery to “tidy” up its boundary lines, said Carfora.

There is also $170,000 in expenditures which has been bonded for the purpose of outfitting 14 acres of land around Farm River off of Tyler Street Extension. This allocation is one of three spending components which is part of a project totaling $670,000. Carfora said the town will purchase the 14 acres for $335,000, while $165,000 in leftover ARPA funds, along with the $170,000, will be used to address quality-of-life assets.

“We want to put a pavilion there. We’re going to put a dock where you can fish and crab off of it. It's going to be a kayak and canoeing launch, which East Haven doesn't have, which is going to bring another park to the town,” said Carfora. “I’m very proud of that.”

Finally, Hagaman Memorial Library will receive $31,200 for computer replacements to help meet high demand for its activities and programs.