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08/23/2024 03:42 PM

Task Force to Study Housing Stock


At a meeting on Aug. 13, the Board of Selectmen voted to officially form an eight-person Housing Task Force (HTF) to study housing in the Town.

The housing task force will be charged with studying different types of housing and the issues related to housing in Old Saybrook.

Town Planner Christine Costa attended the meeting and explained that in 2021, the Town adopted a housing plan, and creating the task force was part of that plan. Costa emphasized that the task force is not an affordable housing task force but rather one that looks at all housing in the community.

The task force will be comprised of eight regular members. The five regular members of the Planning Commission will make up five seats, plus one seat will go to a resident from the Borough of Fenwick, one seat will go to a member of the Zoning Commission, and one seat will go to a member from another board or commission. Costa said she hopes to have the group’s first meeting in September.

Costa explained that as a first order of business, the HTF will need to be educated on a variety of factors related to housing such as the existing types of housing and housing regulations currently in place, alternatives to single-family dwelling units, the needs and challenges of residents, the housing needs of the workforce in Old Saybrook, how hosing effects businesses seeking employees, easing the cost burden facing households, combating homelessness, and to “Identify housing needs, gaps, and possible solutions to eliminate or reduce housing challenges for Old Saybrook to remain a diverse, sustainable and thriving community.”

Costa added that after the HTF has been educated on the housing issues in town, the next move would be for the group to begin tackling some of the goals outlined in the 2021-'26 housing plan as well as to prepare for the next plan.

“As the HTF develops, they may add additional action items or create new goals that can be incorporated into the 2026-'30 Housing Plan, that is required by Connecticut General Statutes Section 8-30j," Costa said.

The timeline for completion of a first draft plan is summer 2025.