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08/23/2024 10:29 AM

Bug Out! Forest Insect Walk Hosted by Branford Land Trust

Explore Pisgah Brook/Saltonstall Mountain Preserves in hike to Scenic Overlook of North Branford
Explore the the fascinating and complex world of insects on a walk led by naturalists from the Branford Land Trust Sunday, Sept. 8, at 2 p.m. A Forest Insect Walk will be led by naturalists from the Branford Land Trust on Sunday, Sept. 8, at 2 p.m., to observe and learn about captivating insects. Photo courtesy Branford Land Trust
The approximate one-mile hike along the beautiful, forested traprock ridge leads to a scenic overlook of North Branford. Photo courtesy Branford Land Trust.

Press Release, Branford Land Trust

Come learn all about beneficial bugs in the woods! BUG OUT! A Forest Insect Walk will be led by naturalists from the Branford Land Trust on Sunday, Sept. 8, at 2 p.m., to observe and learn about captivating insects as we explore the Pisgah Brook and Saltonstall Mountain Preserves.

Meet at the cul-de-sac at the end of Lantern View Drive in Branford, hike through woods and wetlands, discuss the role of insects in forests, and identify the beneficial bugs we encounter along the trail.

When you see an insect, what is your first response? Curiosity? Indifference? Terror? A few insects, like mosquitoes, have dominated how we feel about a diverse and important group of organisms. Don’t let a few pests keep you from learning about the fascinating and complex world of insects! Only a small fraction of insects are pests, so who are the other thousands of species?

The Pisgah Brook and Saltonstall Mountain Preserves are parts of a steep traprock ridge that reaches west to east, straddling the Branford/North Branford border. From the cul-de-sac at the end of Lantern View Drive in Branford, we will hike about one mile along the beautiful, forested traprock ridge to a scenic overlook of North Branford. We will look for insects along the way and note the habitats along the ridgeline that support unique insects! We will then use the same trail to walk back, for a total of approximately two miles on flat, but uneven, terrain.

The event, rescheduled from June, is free and open to the public. Families are welcome, but no dogs, please. Please wear appropriate clothes and comfortable, supportive walking shoes. Long sleeves and light-colored clothing are recommended to deter mosquitoes. Expect moderate terrain, with rocky underfooting. Bring water. Walking sticks are welcome. We expect the event to last 2-3 hours.

Dangerous or severe weather will cancel. If in doubt, call (203) 483-LAND, email, or check our Facebook page.

The Branford Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, accredited by the Land Trust Alliance, established in 1967 to protect Branford’s open space and natural resources. Run by volunteers and supported by member families and businesses, the Land Trust manages and [rotects over 1,000 acres in more than 130 parcels and holds conservation easements on another 400 acres in Branford.