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08/23/2024 02:34 PM

Branford Rotary Awards ‘Service Above Self’ $3K Scholarships to Baylis, DeFrancesco, Coppola

The Branford Rotary Club ‘Service Above Self’ awards are given annually to high school students from Branford who excel both in the classroom and in the community. This year’s recipients are Luke Baylis, Jenna DeFrancesco, and Sam Coppola. Shown here, (l-r): Branford Rotary President Ellen Carucci, Mike Baylis, Luke Baylis, Melissa Baylis, Rotary member Pam Davies. See next photos for additional recipients. Photo courtesy Branford Rotary Club.
The Branford Rotary Club ‘Service Above Self’ awards are given annually to high school students from Branford who excel both in the classroom and in the community. This year’s recipients are Luke Baylis, Jenna DeFrancesco, and Sam Coppola. Shown here, (l-r): Rotary member Angela Ruggiero, Chris DeFrancesco, Jenna DeFrancesco, Branford Rotary President Ellen Carucci. See next photo for additional recipient. Photo courtesy Branford Rotary Club.
The Branford Rotary Club ‘Service Above Self’ awards are given annually to high school students from Branford who excel both in the classroom and in the community. This year’s recipients are Luke Baylis, Jenna DeFrancesco, and Sam Coppola. Shown here, (l-r): Branford Rotary President Ellen Carucci; Lily Coppola, Christine Coppola, Sam Coppola, and Mark Coppola. Photo courtesy Branford Rotary Club.

Press Release, Branford Rotary Club

The Branford Rotary Club recently presented three “Service Above Self” scholarship awards of $3,000 each to three deserving members of the Branford High School (BHS) Class of 2024. The awards are given annually to high school students from Branford who excel both in the classroom and in the community. This year’s recipients are Luke Baylis, Jenna DeFrancesco, and Sam Coppola.

Baylis plans to study cybersecurity in college. Described by teachers as an outstanding student, Baylis was captain of the BHS tennis team and was also passionate about his community.

“Some individuals stand out for their qualities and Luke is one of those people,” said Judith Barron, Executive Director of the Community Dining Room, where Baylis was a regular volunteer. “He’s respected throughout the organization for getting things done and always going the extra mile.”

In life, Baylis said, “It’s not about what you get, it’s about how you help.”

DeFrancesco will attend Salve Regina University, where she plans to study psychology. DeFrancesco was captain of the BHS girl’s volleyball team, a National Honor Society member, and belonged to several clubs in high school, including Interact, which is the youth version of Rotary for those ages 12 to18. Teachers and coaches credit her “drive, compassion, integrity and work ethic,” and said she, “never fails to rise up to a challenge.”

“Service, to me, is choosing to do a task or tasks not necessarily required, but helpful to someone else’s development,” said DeFranceso. “Knowing the people I help can rest a little easier, or are a step closer to reaching their personal goals, has been and continues to be an experience that I value greatly.”

Coppola will attend Southern Connecticut State University and plans to pursue a career in education. Described by his teachers as “committed, goal-driven and curious,” Coppola was a top student and also captain of the BHS cross country and track teams, where he helped mentor younger athletes. He has always been an active volunteer, whether for his church, the soup kitchen, or as a camp counselor at Killam’s Point.

“Giving (your) time and hard work to help others is a humbling and informative experience I think everyone should go through,” said Coppola.

For more information about Branford Rotary Club visit