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08/15/2024 01:40 PM

Essex Library Association Celebrates Marilyn and Richard Buel’s Advocacy with Renaming of Program Room

The Essex Library Association renamed one of its rooms as The Buel Room in honor of Marilyn and Richard Buel. Here, Ann Thompson (right), director of the Essex Library Association; reads some remarks about the impact of the Buels at a special renaming ceremony; while JoAnne Carter, president of the library’s Board of Trustees; gets ready to do the same. Photo courtesy of Kathy Katz

Press Release from Essex Library Association

The Essex Library Association is delighted to announce that it renamed a room in honor of Marilyn and Richard Buel for their many years of dedicated advocacy and support. In recognition of the significant contributions of the Buels, the library’s program room was officially renamed The Buel Room at a special celebration held in July.

The Buels were steadfast supporters of the Essex Library Association, passionately championing the importance of community access to information, education, and cultural enrichment. Their tireless efforts greatly enhanced the library’s ability to serve the community, ensuring that it remains a vibrant and welcoming hub for all.

The event included remarks from JoAnne Carter, president of the library’s Board of Trustees; along with Ann Thompson, director of the Essex Library Association; Claire Matthews, former trustee; Liz Frankel; and Kay Knight Clarke; as well as a formal unveiling of the newly named Buel Room.

“Marilyn and Richard Buel’s unwavering commitment to our library has been truly inspirational,” said Thompson. “Their advocacy has made a lasting impact on our services and programs, and we are thrilled to honor their legacy in this meaningful way.”

The Buel Room will continue to host a wide array of library programs and events, serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of support and dedication by the Buels.