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08/05/2024 07:51 AM

State Senate Candidate Crisci Announces Legislative Agenda ‘Project 1829 and Beyond’

To Empower Connecticut’s Young Adults

Press Release, Paul Crisci for State Senate

Paul Crisci (R), candidate for District 12 State Senate, has unveiled an ambitious legislative agenda to address the economic health of Connecticut's young adults in state policies and governance. Highlighting the critical need for increased representation and support for younger generations, Crisci's proposal, “Project 1829 and Beyond”, seeks to provide support and opportunities to residents aged 18 to 29, with provisions extending up to age 34.

"Connecticut’s young adults have been overlooked for too long," remarked Crisci. "It's time for our state to prioritize their voices and concerns. Project 1829 and Beyond is designed to ensure that our young adults have the tools and opportunities they need to build successful futures right here in Connecticut."

Crisci emphasized the gap in communication between politicians and the younger generation, stressing the importance of meaningful engagement and advocacy on their behalf. Project 1829 and Beyond aims to bridge this divide by introducing targeted policies that directly benefit young adults entering the workforce and pursuing higher education in the state.

Key components of Project 1829 and Beyond include initiatives to enhance employment prospects by incentivizing fair wages, offering tax relief on student loan interest to alleviate financial burdens, bringing unions and businesses together, and positioning Connecticut as a more attractive destination for businesses seeking skilled, motivated talent.

"By investing in our young adults, we not only empower them to succeed but also strengthen Connecticut's economy as a whole," Crisci explained. "This initiative isn't just about providing opportunities—it's about fostering long-term growth and prosperity for our state."

The agenda championed by Crisci has garnered support for its potential to improve Connecticut's business climate and reduce the tax burden through increased economic activity generated by a more empowered and financially stable younger demographic.

"As a candidate for State Senate, I am committed to ending the marginalization of our young adults," Crisci stated. "It's time to move beyond outdated stereotypes and start championing our next generation of leaders. Together, we can create a more equitable and prosperous future for all."

For more information on Project 1829 and Beyond and Paul Crisci's campaign, please visit