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07/13/2024 10:03 AM

Comey Honored with Children’s Champion Award

Representative Robin Comey (D-Branford) has been recognized as a Children’s Champion by the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance. The award was presented during the 50th anniversary celebration of Branford Early Learning Center. Photo courtesy Connecticut General Assembly CT House Democrats

Press Release, Connecticut General Assembly CT House Democrats

State Representative Robin Comey (D - 102 Branford) has been recognized as a Children’s Champion by the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance (CECA). The award was presented during the 50th anniversary celebration of Branford Early Learning Center (BELC) and retirement recognition. The Children’s Champion Award honors individuals dedicated to improving outcomes in education, health, and economic security for your children and their families in Connecticut.

Merrill Gay, CECA executive director, highlighted the impact of Comey's advocacy.

"Representative Comey has long been a strong advocate for young children and their caregivers, and this year was no different. This legislative session saw the creation of a dedicated Early Care and Education Fund at the Treasurer's office, which is going to increase access to high-quality childcare and preschool programs for families who need it and provide much-needed support to early care providers across the state. Representative Comey was a consistent and vocal supporter of this initiative from the beginning, and her advocacy certainly contributed to the win,“ Gay stated.

Comey's leadership in the Early Childhood Caucus has been instrumental in ensuring that early childhood is a key part of budgetary discussions in the majority caucus meetings. Her vocal support for HB 5002, a bill that established a dedicated fund at the Treasurer’s office for early childhood initiatives, is a testament to her commitment. She also played a pivotal role in the unification of the state’s various early care programs into the Early Start Program, which is set to launch next year.

Comey expressed her gratitude and reinforced her commitment to early childhood education and the programs that provide care.

"Receiving this award in front of my family, friends, and colleagues was truly an honor," Comey said. “I am deeply grateful to the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance for this recognition. I am thankful for this acknowledgment of my policy work in early childhood education and for continuing to support these vital programs."

Comey has been a fervent promoter of early childhood education throughout her career. As the Executive Director of the Branford Early Childhood Collaborative, she worked tirelessly to improve access to quality, affordable early childhood education. Her efforts, which included providing teacher training, facilitating town-wide early literacy programs, and developing parent engagement initiatives, have directly impacted the lives of many families in the community. She is a member of the Branford School Readiness Council.

Comey’s advocacy also extends beyond local efforts. She currently serves on several influential councils and networks, such as the Early Childhood Legislative Caucus, the Nurturing Families Advisory Board, and the CT 359 Network. She has led policy improvements for Birth to Three providers and successfully advocated for increased funding for these critical early intervention services.

Diane Pappacoda, M.Ed, MSpEd, retiring Executive Director of BELC, highlighted Rep. Comey’s long-standing commitment to children’s welfare and her effective advocacy on both local and state levels.

“Robin Comey is the best advocate for childcare, not only in Branford but in every town in Connecticut. Not many people have the dedication and the kindness that it takes to work tirelessly to provide so much support to every child, family, and childcare worker. She showed me that I could make a difference in guiding state-wide policy by writing letters and testifying on the laws Connecticut was making. She fights for the parents and hard-working teachers who deserve respect and a livable wage. I would do anything and everything for Robin, and I believe she would do the same for all Connecticut residents. I was happy to be a part of this recognition,” said Pappacoda.

This is the fifth time Comey has received the Children’s Champion Award, underscoring her unwavering dedication to enhancing the lives of Connecticut’s children and families.