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07/02/2024 12:04 PM

State Senator Norm Needleman Running for Fourth Term in State Senate After Unanimous Endorsement

Press Release from Joe O’Leary

State Senator Norm Needleman (D-Essex) is running for a fourth term in the State Senate after receiving the unanimous support of delegates in the 33rd Senate District. If elected, Sen. Needleman would continue to represent the towns of Chester, Clinton, Colchester, Deep River, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Lyme, Old Saybrook, Portland, and Westbrook, which he has represented since his first swearing-in in January 2019.

“I am honored to receive this endorsement from my friends and supporters throughout the district and look forward to working toward another term in the Senate if re-elected,” said Sen. Needleman. “While our state has weathered storms and worked toward significant improvements in the last six years, there’s work left to do. I want to continue working with my colleagues to find common-sense solutions and work toward what will benefit everyone in our state.”

“In my time on the Energy and Technology Committee, I’ve worked to improve our state’s electric grid and fought for ratepayers’ best interests. On the Planning and Development Committee and the Commerce, Finance and Revenue, and Transportation committees, we’ve worked to find sensible and forward-thinking advances in state policies,” Needleman continued. “If sent back to Hartford, I pledge to find pragmatic solutions and strong steps forward for Connecticut.”

Since he was sworn in as a state senator, Sen. Needleman has served as senate chair of the Energy and Technology Committee, where he has fought for residents and ratepayers. In 2020 and 2023, he championed and led passage of the Take Back Our Grid Act and Senate Bill 7—legislation which reformed Connecticut’s regulatory framework to provide relief to ratepayers. Sen. Needleman has also achieved victories in energy and technology legislation which are consumer-friendly and dedicated to Connecticut’s transition to renewable and clean energy.

He has also served as a vice chair of the Planning and Development Committee and on the Commerce, Finance and Revenue, and Transportation committees.

Additionally, in 2023, Sen. Needleman championed the passage of a state budget which included the largest income tax reduction ever enacted in state history, an increase in a tax credit targeting lowest-income workers, and expanded exemptions on certain pension and annuity earnings benefiting seniors. During his tenure as state senator, he has supported forward-thinking policies which have created protections for health care workers and benefited public health, invested millions in education and children’s mental health, helped develop a debt-free community college program in Connecticut, advanced early voting, and created a paid family and medical leave program which has benefited more than 100,000 residents.

His deep knowledge of government and business planning expertise has helped him secure millions of dollars of bond funding to support his local communities.

In addition to his work as state senator, Sen. Needleman also serves as first selectman of Essex, currently in his seventh term in the role, with a focus on effective municipal management. Essex is a leader in municipal low property tax rates. He is also the founder and CEO of Tower Laboratories in Essex, a pharmaceutical manufacturing company which he built from the ground up to become a leader in its field.