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06/28/2024 11:18 AM

Westbrook Seeks Assistant Town Clerk

Due to the looming departures of the assistant clerks, the town of Westbrook is seeking to hire a new assistant town clerk.

Last month, Westbrook Town Clerk Joan Angelini informed the board that both assistant town clerks had resigned, leaving her as the only clerk in the office. To help lift some of the burden off her shoulders during what is expected to be a busy few months, the town is looking to hire one full-time assistant town clerk. The position is advertised as a 35-hour-per-week job with a pay rate of $25 per hour.

Following an executive session at a meeting on June 11, the Board of Selectmen voted to extend an offer to a candidate; however, the candidate did not accept the offer. Angelini said the town has further interviews lined up with prospective candidates and hoped to have the position filled soon.

Angelini told the Harbor News earlier in the month that the reason for the two assistant clerks’ departures is nothing nefarious, and it has nothing to do with the new early voting regulations the state put into effect this year.

“One of the assistant clerks is retiring while another is moving to a different state,” Angelini said. “The timing is unfortunate, but I’m confident we’ll be able to get through everything easily,” Angelini continued.

In addition to the normal numerous duties handled by a town clerk, the next few months will be exceptionally busy due to the looming Presidential and primary elections and the new early voting laws. While some town clerks and registrars around the state have expressed concerns about the increased workload that may come with the new rules, Angelini said she’s not concerned.

“No, I’m not concerned. I think we’ll get through it juWst fine,” she said. Angelini said right now she is looking to hire only one assistant clerk position, not two. “Right now, we just want one full-time, experienced clerk,” Angelini said.