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06/20/2024 01:12 PM

North Haven Garden Club Celebrates 70th Anniversary

North Haven First Selectman Mike Freda (middle) presents North Haven Garden Club founding member Lois Stover (left) with her citation as Stover’s son Dwight (right) looks on. Photo courtesy of Cindy Golia
North Haven Garden Club president Gerri Giordano (left) accepts the proclamation from First Selectman Mike Freda (right). Photo courtesy of Cindy Golia
The North Haven Garden Club recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. Pictured at the event are Mike Maturo, director of field operations for Public Works; First Selectman Mike Freda; and Mike Landino and John Laczak, assistant directors of field operations for Public Works. Photo courtesy of Cindy Golia
The North Haven Garden Club’s 70th anniversary celebration took place on June 13. Pictured are club president Gerri Giordano; First Selectman Mike Freda; and Cindy Golia, the club’s civic chair. Photo courtesy of Cindy Golia

Press Release from Cindy Golia

On June 13, members of the North Haven Garden Club gathered at Bellini's Restaurant to celebrate the club’s 70th anniversary. In attendance was the club’s founding member and first president Lois Stover, who just turned 99 and was accompanied by her son Dwight. Invited guests were First Selectman Mike Freda; Mike Maturo, the director of field operations for Public Works; John Laczak and Mike Landino, assistant directors of field operations for Public Works; and Karen Pyskaty, president of the Federated Garden Clubs of CT, Inc., who presented North Haven Garden Club president Gerri Giordano with a Certificate of Merit from her organization.

Before lunch was served, Giordano presented Lois Stover with a beautiful corsage. Freda presented Stover with a citation from the Town of North Haven. He also presented the club with a proclamation stating that the day of June 13 will be now as North Haven Garden Club Day.

The table arrangements were made by North Haven Garden Club members Laurie Falco, Deb Armitage, and Wini Colleran using fresh flowers from their gardens. Each arrangement was different and unique, as well as beautiful.

North Haven Garden Club members who attended the celebration were Cindy Adinolfi, Noreen Adley, Maryann Angelopoulos, Deb Armitage, Mary Cameron, Kim Carew, Laurie Falco, Lee Fermo, Sandy Ginter, Gerri Giordano, Cindy Golia, Brenda Howlett, Bene' Jablonski, Poonam Karnwal, Mel Kotey, Linda Lianos, Fran Notaro, Lynda O'Donnell, Marge Quinn, Dianna Ramadei, Amy Salvati, Carmen Sealy, Ellie Tessmer, and Maria Yankura.

Check out the North Haven Garden Club on Facebook for lots of useful and entertaining information and pictures of all the club does in North Haven. For membership information. please email Italia at

North Haven Garden Club is a member of The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut Inc., New England Garden Clubs Inc., and The National Garden Clubs Inc.