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06/20/2024 04:04 PM

BOE Seeks to Fill Newly Vacant Seat

On June 10, Kristy Faulkner resigned from the Board of Education (BOE). Ms. Faulkner has been recovering from a major medical event experienced this past winter and had been expecting to resume her board involvement, but has determined that it would be best for her to step down.

The Guilford Town Charter (Chapter 2, 2-5[a]) requires that a vacated elective board seat shall, if practicable, be filled by a member of the same political party as the vacating member. Therefore, the BOE is seeking a currently registered member of the Independent Party and resident of Guilford to fill the vacancy until the next regular town election in November 2025.

Candidates interested in representing and balancing the educational interests of students in Guilford Public Schools, Guilford citizens, and the State of Connecticut by serving on the Board of Education should contact Board Secretary Kristen Peck at by Wednesday, July 10. Please include a letter of interest and resume or curriculum vitae (CV).

The BOE will fill the vacancy by vote of the remaining members in an upcoming meeting.

The BOE and Guilford Public Schools wish to thank Ms. Faulkner for her service on the Board and dedication to the students, staff, and families of the school district. We are grateful that she is on the road to a full recovery and wish her the very best.