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06/13/2024 01:32 PM

North Haven Democratic Town Committee Calls for Criminal Investigation into State Senator Paul Cicarella

Press Release from North Haven Democratic Town Committee

The North Haven Democratic Town Committee (DTC) is calling for a thorough criminal investigation into State Senator Paul Cicarella following reports of workers’ compensation fraud. A June 12 investigation by Hearst Media revealed that Senator Cicarella collected $123,000 in workers’ compensation payments between December 2008 and July 2013 without reporting three sources of income, as required by state law.

Cicarella is reported to have received this payment while also receiving income from a rental property, his private business, and a coaching job. Despite clear state guidelines that mandate the disclosure of any additional earnings while receiving workers’ compensation, it appears that Cicarella failed to disclose this income.

This report follows a March 27 CT Insider investigation which showed that Senator Cicarella increased his workers’ compensation payout amounts by 84% after being elected.

“The integrity of our public officials is paramount,” said Lori Mansur, chair of the North Haven DTC. “These revelations suggest a clear violation of the law and a breach of public trust. We urge [State’s Attorney John P. Doyle, Jr.] to conduct a thorough investigation into Senator Cicarella’s actions.”

“Paul Cicarella voted against reasonable pay and benefits for state employees back in April,” said Steve Gifford, DTC vice chair. “It’s unconscionable that he would exploit the Workers' Compensation program for his own benefit, while denying civil servants. CT Insider’s investigation indicates a fraud against the people of North Haven that needs to be investigated.”

The Workers’ Compensation Commission and the Department of Administrative Services, which oversee the administration of these important benefits, rely heavily on the honesty of recipients and referrals for enforcement. It is critical that these bodies take immediate action to investigate and, if necessary, prosecute any fraudulent activities to maintain the integrity of the workers’ compensation system and protect taxpayer money.

The North Haven DTC believes that accountability and transparency are essential for maintaining public trust in our elected officials. Senator Cicarella cannot have the trust of voters without a thorough investigation.