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06/12/2024 07:48 AM

Eagle Scout Project Brushes Up 104-Year-Old Branford Baseball Grandstand

Shown here with his troop, Branford resident Thomas Rowe (front, center), completed an Eagle Scout project which focused on painting and repairing the 104-year-old baseball grandstand at Hammer Field. Photo by Bill O’Brien
Branford First Selectman Jamie Cosgrove presents a certificate of achievement to Eagle Scout Thomas Rowe. Photo by Bill O’Brien
Eagle Scout Thomas Rowe receives an honorary citation award for his renovation project from Branford Board of Recreation chairman Paul Criscuolo (left) and Branford Parks and Recreation Director Alex Palluzzi Jr. (right). Photo by Bill O’Brien

Staff Report

Branford resident Thomas Rowe’s Eagle Scout project was focused on painting and repairing the baseball grandstand at Hammer Field. The work included repair of the bench supports, scraping old paint, and painting benches, walls, beams and the exterior of grandstand.

Built in 1920, this grand old wooden grandstand will celebrate its 105th birthday in 2025. It is its third rendition since the 1980’s, refurbished by the Branford Lions Club, followed by an initial Eagle Scout project, and Rowe’s current Eagle Scout project.

As part of his project, Rowe organized work party assistance and was supported by members of his troop and troop leadership. For his efforts, Rowe recognized on June 8 during a presentation event at the grandstand, where he received a certificate of achievement from Branford First Selectman Jamie Cosgrove, and an honorary citation award presented by Branford Board of Recreation chairman Paul Criscuolo and Branford Parks and Recreation Director Alex Palluzzi Jr.

Located at 46 Church Street, Hammer Field includes a 50/70 baseball field and two full scale baseball fields, including the main diamond, among other offerings at the park.

Alex Palluzzi Jr. contributed to this story.