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06/06/2024 04:22 PM

‘Eyewitnesses to History’ Returns to NHHS

‘Eyewitnesses to History’ revisted North Haven High School on May 31 to teach students about historic moments in American history. Photo courtesy of Federico Fiondella


Students at North Haven High School (NHHS) once again learned first-hand accounts of historic moments in American history as part of the ‘Eyewitness to History’ event on May 31.

Students heard from veterans of wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Bosnia, as well as those present in New York City during 9/11 on Sept. 11, 2001, about moments which impacted the United States, with an objective to “gather historical information from eyewitness accounts in an attempt to gain a deeper understanding” of such events, according to the event’s organizer and NHHS history teacher, Federico Fiondella.

The impact of these historic events in shaping the nation was not lost on the students who attended.

“It made me reflect on all the good things we have today that maybe we don't think about as much,” said junior Kevin Parker.

Fellow junior Michael Russo shared his thoughts on what he learned by attending the ‘Eyewitness to History’ event.

“I think that hearing from the people who actually witnessed these events, there was more of like an emotional connection because they saw these events first-hand,” said Russo. “Hearing these stories of what they saw, how they felt at the time, gives like a more clear picture of what the general perspective on these things were in the moment that was happening.”