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06/04/2024 04:53 PM

Lettieri to Challenge Aniskovich For District 35 Seat


The race for the 35th House District has taken shape with two official candidates for the race: incumbent Republican Chris Aniskovich of Clinton and Democratic challenger Cinzia Lettieri, also of Clinton.

The 35th House District represents Clinton, Killingworth, and northern Westbrook. Aniskovich was elected to represent the district in 2022 after defeating Democrat Chrstine Goupil and Green Party candidate Hugh Birdsall.

The Harbor News caught up with Aniskovich and Lettieri to ask why they wanted to run and what they would work on if elected.


Aniskovich is currently in his second term as a member of Clinton’s Town Council, where he served as chairman from 2019-’23. Besides the Town Council, Aniskovich has served on the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) and Board of Assessment Appeals. Outside of politics, he has served as the president of Clinton Youth Football, been a board member and coach for Henry Swan Little League, and been a volunteer basketball coach in the park and recreation basketball league. Professionally, Aniskovich is a mortgage broker at Security Financial Mortgage Group in Clinton, which he also owns. If elected, Aniskovich said he will remain on the Town Council.

Asked why he was running for election this year Aniskovich said, “First of all I enjoy what I’m doing up there. I enjoy the process. I like that you get to really be present and have a voice for what your district needs. It was reassuring to know that’s really how it works, and you can make a difference.”

Aniskovich said that if elected will work in a bipartisan matter to listen to what constituents say are the issues they are concerned about in addition to the bigger picture issues the state works on.

“I will continue to do what I did in the first term and that’s being responsive and listening to the people and working on their behalf making sure I am able to work on their concerns no matter anyone’s political party,” Aniskovich said.

Aniskovich pointed to his responsiveness addressing the varying issues affecting the three towns in the district and how different towns have different needs.

“It’s basically listening to what these three towns need and what the distinct needs and making sure their concerns are addressed,” Aniskovich continued,

More information on Aniskovich and his campaign can be found on and Aniskovich for State Rep on Facebook.


Lettieri is currently a member of the Clinton PZC, a member of the Water Pollution Control Commission, and a member of the Clinton Democratic Town Committee. Besides politics Lettieri is a volunteer with the Girl Scouts in Westbrook.

Originally a Clinton native, Lettieri returned to Clinton in 2021 after a brief stint in Westbrook following several years on the west coast. For work Lettieri teaches third grade in Hamden.

Lettieri said she was inspired to run for the seat thanks to a long background in volunteering and advocacy work, mostly relating to education policy.

“I wanted to get back into it. I had the urge to get back to what lights me up, and that’s getting back to the advocacy side,” Lettieri said. “I really want to run to represent my hometown and my home district. Clinton Public School gave me the foundation to make me who I am as a woman and as an advocate, and I want to give back,” Lettieri added.

As for projects she’d like to work on if elected Lettieri said she’d like to focus on education initiatives such as connecting high school students to career or skill based learning and increasing teacher’s pay.

“I’d like to work to expand women’s healthcare, especially in prenatal and postpartum mental health care, as well as addressing the pay gap and making sure all working women have maternity leave,” Lettieri continued.

Thanks to her background on Clinton’s land use boards, Lettieri said she has concerns about “Connecticut’s aging infrastructure.”

As for the state’s economy, Lettieri said she’d like to pursue “economic security for our youth and golden aged populations especially.”

To learn more about Lettieri voters can visit, follow @cinzialettierict on Instagram and Facebook, or email