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05/31/2024 09:32 AM

Fun in the Sun: Branford’s Splash Pad Open at Foote Park

Branford’s fun-in-the-sun splash pad at Foote Memorial Park is back in action for a full season for young residents to enjoy at the town park. Shown here, kids splash around during the 2023 debut of the pad. Photo by Bill O’Brien

Branford’s fun-in-the-sun splash pad at Foote Memorial Park is back in action for a full season for young residents to enjoy at the town park.

Installation of Branford’s first public splash pad was completed last year and celebrated with a mid-season opening in July. This year, on May 24, the start of Memorial Day weekend, Branford Parks and Recreation Director Alex Palluzzi Jr. announced the pad was open for the 2024 season.

Tavella Design Group’s (Orange) design of the splash pad incorporates collaborative input taken into consideration during a planning process that included community members. Features of the water-driven playscape include interactive elements and transitions which are designed to accommodate toddlers to teens. Rain gardens have been situated as part of the landscape design.

The $350,000 town of Branford capital project received funding from a $175,000 matching grant from the Foote Memorial Trust.

The splash pad at Foote Memorial Park, 12 Melrose Avenue, will be open seven days a week, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (weather dependent). Parents are expected to supervise their children at all times.

For more information, visit or call (203) 488-8304.