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05/28/2024 10:26 AM

Cannabis Ban Heads to June 3 Hearing

Cannabis sales and cultivation are back on the agenda for the June 3 Board of Selectmen (BOS) public hearing.

The BOS voted to extend the town’s moratorium on sales and cultivation at its meeting on Dec. 18. Since then, the board has focused on drafting an ordinance that would ban cannabis establishments of “any type” from operating in the town. The ordinance would not apply to medical cannabis dispensaries.

“This ordinance shall not apply to a cannabis dispensary facility which is providing cannabis for medical purposes only as lawfully prescribed by a medical provider,” the proposed ordinance reads. “Any such medical cannabis dispensary must be fully compliant with all state laws and the Town of Guilford zoning regulations, including any amendments thereto as enacted by the Planning and Zoning Commission.”

Additionally, the proposed ordinance would prohibit the use of cannabis or cannabis-derived products on any town-owned or controlled property. Violation of this section of the ordinance would be punishable by a $50 per offense fine. Cannabis events, including private vending events, pop-up retail events, and other similar events would also be banned under the ordinance.

While the proposal would prohibit the sale and cultivation of recreational cannabis within town lines, First Selectman Matt Hoey told the Courier in December that roughly 64% of residents polled were in favor of retail sales.

“The state of Connecticut has made cannabis legal, and the surveys we conducted and the polling we did suggest the community supports the sale and or cultivation and the allowance for those forms of business to exist here in town. About 64% of residents favor the allowance of retail sales and other establishments.”

The BOS public hearing is scheduled for Monday, June 3, at 7 p.m. at Town Hall. Participants can also access the hearing via Zoom. A link to the virtual meeting is available at