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05/17/2024 12:05 PM

Crisci announces unanimous Convention Endorsement for State Senate District 12

Paul Crisci is the Republican-endorsed candidate for State Senate District 12. District 12 represents East Haven, Branford, North Branford, Guilford, Madison, Durham, Killingworth, and Middlefield communities. Photo courtesy Paul Crisci for State Senate District 12

Press Release, Paul Crisci for State Senate District 12

Paul Crisci, the Republican candidate for State Senate District 12, announced May 16 that the Republican Nominating Committee in Branford unanimously endorsed him on May 14, making him the Republican-endorsed candidate for District 12 State Senate.

Ed Boughton, delegate and former chairman of the North Branford Republicans, seconded the nomination of Paul Crisci at the convention.

“Paul Crisci has fought for the values of Connecticut Residents, and I do not doubt Paul will reflect all of our values when he gets to Hartford as an advocate and lawmaker for the people of District 12,” Boughton said.

"First, thank you to everyone who nominated me, but more importantly, to those who believed in what we accomplished in 2022,“ Crisci said. ”Although it wasn’t the result we all hoped for, we drew the attention of tens of thousands of residents of District 12 with our 'no politics, just common sense' message. I will continue to advocate for common sense when addressing issues that are top of mind for our families and working-class citizens of the district. I’m excited to hear from all the residents of District 12 on the campaign trail, and looking forward to earning their vote on November 5."

Crisci is the Republican-endorsed candidate for State Senate District 12. District 12 represents East Haven, Branford, North Branford, Guilford, Madison, Durham, Killingworth, and Middlefield communities.