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05/13/2024 03:10 PM

Hadley Howard Named ‘Miss Be Thankful’ by Madison Lions Club

Daniel Hand High School student Hadley Howard was named as the 2023-’24 Miss Be Thankful by the Madison Lions Club. Pictured are Spanish teacher Rosana Casais, Howard, and school counselor Jourdan Milardo. Photo courtesy of T. Looper

Press Release from Madison Lions Club

What is an MBT? It is the acronym for Miss Be Thankful, the Daniel Hand High School (DHHS) student who is the catalyst for the Madison Lions Club’s annual fund drive to support improvement of vision deficiencies and eye research.

With a nip of spring in the air, the Madison Lions Club revealed the identity of its 2023-‘24 Miss Be Thankful at its dinner meeting held at Quattro’s Italian Restaurant in Guilford on March 20. The newest Miss Be Thankful is Hadley Howard, the daughter of Andy and Heather Howard of Madison.

Hadley Howard was selected for this honor by the faculty and Guidance Department at DHHS for her outstanding ability to instill warmth, compassion, and kindness among her peers. DHHS Spanish teacher Rosana Casais and school counselor Jourdan Milardo attended the meeting and spoke glowingly of Howard’s worthiness to be the club’s Miss Be Thankful. In addition to her other achievements, Howard is active at school in the One Love Club, where healthy relationships are promoted, and students are taught the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Howard has been a member of the DHHS ski team since her sophomore year and has played lacrosse since her freshman year. She has also volunteered as a youth lacrosse coach in Madison for the past three years. Howard has worked as a hostess at Brother Mike's Madison for close to a year and, recently, she and another peer had the amazing opportunity to film a segment on the mobile food pantry, demonstrating how it works to benefit community members. This film is currently being submitted to Fox Student News based on the content, skill, and dedication put forth.

Howard is an excellent student with a particular emphasis on history and Spanish. Her career goal is to become a physical therapist. An avid skier and lacrosse player, Howard exhibits the qualities of skill, leadership, and determination on the field which will carry her far in life. Howard is the 60th recipient of the Miss Be Thankful award, a project which has raised well over $100,000 during its existence.

Howard’s eyes were photographed and used in a fundraiser which was mailed to all Madison residents and businesses in November. Donations are used exclusively for vision care and improvement. This includes research in treatment of eye diseases, treatment and eyewear for the needy in Madison, and providing, at no cost, devices to assist those whose eyesight is compromised to the point where they cannot live a normal life.

Anyone who wishes to contribute to the current Miss Be Thankful fund drive may contact Lions Club member Dick Borner at 860-227-8045. Anyone desiring more information about the Lions as an organization may contact club member Marinus de Jongh at 203-318-0178. The members of the Madison Lions Club give their profound thanks to all who have generously supported this worthy undertaking.