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05/03/2024 02:46 PM

Members Sought for America 250 Celebration


In recognition of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the state has asked every municipality to create a community event. In Clinton, the Town Council has created a committee to assist with the project and is seeking interested members.

Though still two years away, the Town Council is looking ahead to celebrate the nation’s milestone anniversary. According to Town Council chairperson Carrie Allen, the town is seeking more members to serve on the committee. While there are five members on the committee as of press time, Allen said the council was hoping to have as many as 11 members. Anyone interested in applying to be on the committee can do so on the town website.

At a Town Council meeting on April 3, the council unanimously voted to appoint Christy Pontillo and W. David LeVasseur to the America250 Advisory Committee with a term that expires in January 2026.

Pontillo said that the committee has yet to formally meet and was still awaiting an official charge.

“In general, we’re supposed to have some sort of big festivity, and I believe the whole state will be doing something. Right now, I’m not sure exactly what we’ll do,” Pontillo said.

Allen said that celebrations going on not only in Connecticut, but across the whole country. Right now, Allen said she wasn’t sure what the celebration in 2026 will look like.

“Per the instructions from the state, the towns are asked to do an event anytime in the calendar year of 2026. It doesn’t have to just be July 4, and a lot of times, July 4 isn’t good for these things because people go away,” Allen said.

Pontillo said the state might give the committees more direction, but right now, the rough idea is to find a connection between Clinton and the American Revolution, something fellow member LeVasseur has some expertise in.

“David knows an awful lot about the American Revolution and the War of 1812, so we might look into some connections between Clinton and those two events to emphasize during the festivities. Or perhaps some of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence. Ben Franklin has a connection to Clinton, for example,” Pontillo continued.

Both members are served members of the Clinton Historical Society, so joining the committee was a no brainer for both Pontillo said.

“This was something I really wanted to do; I applied right away when I saw they were forming this committee,” said Pontillo.

Though the committee has yet to start meeting Pontillo emphasized that there will likely be a lot of work to be done between now and when the committee’s charge ends. Pontillo said as the committee starts meeting and 2026 draws nearer there will be more updates from the committee.