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01/03/2024 10:45 AM

Looking Ahead: Branford Public Schools Strategic Plan

An Update from Christopher Tranberg, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools

Press Release, Branford Public Schools

Branford Public Schools Strategic Coherence Plan (SCP) was adopted by the Board of Education in the spring of 2023 following the work of a collaborative committee made up of various stakeholders across the learning community. The plan has three overarching goals including:

1. Ensuring equal opportunity for the growth and development of all Branford students;

2. Aligning the key systems in the District to support the student acquisition of the Global Learning Competencies through the implementations of the Definition of Deep Learning; and,

3. Improving the process and tools used to communicate and engage critical stakeholders.

While these goals are broad, they prioritize student learning, the development of essential skills required for post-secondary success, and the importance of reciprocal accountability in the area of clear and purposeful communication. Throughout the fall and early winter, additional information was gathered across the community through the Superintendent’s entry planning process.

The process began with listening and learning through a series of planned conversations and events with internal and external individuals and groups of people who make up the Branford Public Schools. Whether a 1:1 chat on the green or a discussion with parent groups, these conversations offered insight into the district’s values, strengths, challenges and opportunities for the future. Themes emerged from these conversations were then used to develop measurable actions to support Branford’s SCP.

While the final document represents the input of hundreds of stakeholders, the Branford Board of Education is looking forward to approving a document that represents the community well. If you would like to review the Strategic Coherence Plan and offer feedback, please visit and access the current edition of the Superintendent's newsletter, Hive-Mind Headlines, to access the document.