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11/21/2023 11:47 AM

Help CDR Pie a Local Official for Giving Tuesday

If you’ve ever wanted to see First Selectman Matt Hoey shove a pie in the face of another town’s mayor, now’s your chance.

The Community Dining Room (CDR), a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing food, support, and companionship to shoreline residents, has integrated Giving Tuesday with its Pie Wars fundraiser. This year, Hoey and East Haven Mayor Joe Carfora will duel it out to see who will get a pie in the face in the name of charity.

Executive Director of the CDR Judith Barron said the organization is utilizing Giving Tuesday, the national day of focus on charitable donations, as a platform to launch its annual fundraiser.

“We started this a few years ago, and we have thought it was a really fun idea to draw in the community and raise funds for the Dining Room. We were always looking for something fun to do for Giving Tuesday, which we celebrate annually,” said Barron. “This is a great contest; whoever draws in the most funds gets to pie the other in the face. We’ve had such great support from our local selectmen, and having Matt and Joe this year will be really fun. We are going to have a great competition this year.”

According to Barron, the CDR serves the south-central Connecticut shoreline, including East Haven, Branford, North Branford, and Guilford.

“This highlights what Giving Tuesday is all about: getting together and helping those in your community who are in need. We live in a beautiful community, but hunger and need isn’t just contained to a city or urban environment. The need is great right inside our beautiful shoreline communities; 48,500 meals were distributed by the Community Dining Room alone last year. If that doesn’t define need, I’m not sure what would."

Barron said more than 2,000 individuals benefit from CDR services annually.

"The Community Dining Room is committed to providing meals to the community and supporting basic human needs," Barron said. "Our vision is to see a well-nourished community.”

To help get there, this year's Pie Wars fundraiser is a way for the CDR to encourage donations.

“This is really a great opportunity for residents to make a difference in their communities. The initiative is a lot of fun and a great way to promote community involvement. We hope everyone can take a moment and donate. We hope everyone takes advantage of the opportunity. Whether it’s a dollar, $10, $100, it is going to help continue those initiatives.”

Hoey said he can’t often engage in programs such as the Pie Wars events due to his duties as a public official, but said that the mission of the CDR and other organizations like the Guilford Food Bank and the Guilford Interfaith Volunteers Meals on Wheels programs in Guilford provide for the shoreline, are just too critical not to be a part of and assist in.

“The loser gets a pie in the face, so what’s more fun than that?" Hoey said. "I typically do not like to participate in fundraising. I don’t feel comfortable in that as an elected official because it can make other employees feel uncomfortable and obligated, but this is something that is for the community and is not a personal charity. The CDR serves a number of Guilford residents and families and [is] done without any income qualifications, so I am honored to be part of this type of event.”

Hoey added that he directly sees the impact organizations like the CDR have on residents.

“Guilford Social Services and the Guilford Food Bank and Meals on Wheels are in consistent need of donations, and we see a large number of residents in need,” Hoey said.

The most donations raised in the name of either team on Giving Tuesday determines who gets to "pie" the losing team at 3:14 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at Twin Pines Diner in East Haven. The CDR hopes to reach its goal of raising $5,000 by Tuesday, Nov. 28.

To participate in this year's Pie Wars, select Team Guilford (Hoey) or Team East Haven (Carfora) and donate to the CDR at and click on the big orange heart, or via Venmo @Community-DiningRoom. Be sure to indicate the team you're supporting. For more information, call 203-488-9750 or visit