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11/08/2023 03:47 PM

NBHS Tech Dept. is CT Technology and Engineering Program of the Year

On Nov. 7, North Branford High School’s (NBHS) Technology Department was named ‘Connecticut Technology and Engineering Program of the Year’ by the Connecticut Technology Engineering Education Association. Shown here, left to right: NBHS instructors Ken Rice, Chris Reynolds, Nick DeLizio. Photo Courtesy NBHS.

Press Release, North Branford High School

On Nov. 7, members of the North Branford High School (NBHS) Technology Department were recognized during the Connecticut Technology Engineering Education Association's annual professional development event.

The NBHS Technology Department was named the CT Technology and Engineering Program of the Year.

NBHS currently offers several technology courses including: Project Lead the Way (pre-Engineering courses), Introduction to Construction, Advanced Construction, Introduction to Automotive, Home Repair, Transportation Systems, Introduction to Video/TV Production, Intermediate Video/TV Production and Advanced Video/TV Production.