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10/03/2023 12:46 PM

SEA Celebrates 12th Annual ‘Healthy Aging’ Event in Branford

Shoreline Eldercare Alliance’s (SEA) Bernadette DiGiulian (left) with Eunice Kaymen, 98, of Branford. Kaymen was honored with SEA’s Healthy Aging/Embracing Life award at the 12th annual SEA event at Woodwinds in Branford on Sept. 13. Photo Courtesy SEA
The Branford Tappers from the Branford Community House entertain at SEA’s 12th annual Celebration of Healthy Aging event. Photo courtesy SEA.
Janet Woxland of Branford Hills Health Care center visits with SEA’s keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Marottolli of Yale ‘s Adler clinic. Photo courtesy SEA
Keynote speaker Dr. Richard Marottolli of Yale ‘s Adler clinic, who shared that being active and creative are the best recipes for healthy aging. Photo courtesy SEA
Humorist Joyce Saltman was a featured speaker at the 12th annual SEA Celebration of Healthy Aging at Woodwinds in Branford Sept. 13. Members of the event’s featured performance group, The Survivors Big Band, at back. Photo courtesy SEA
Sylvia Rifkin,102, (left), the recipient of the 2022 Bernadette DiGiulian Healthy Aging/Embrace Life award, with 2023 award recipient Eunice Kaymen, 98, of Branford. Photo courtesy SEA
The Wellness Room at the event featured businesses and organizations offering services. Photo courtesy SEA
The Wellness Room at the event featured businesses and organizations offering services. Photo courtesy SEA
The Wellness Room at the event featured businesses and organizations offering services. Photo courtesy SEA

Press Release from Shoreline Eldercare Alliance

The 12th annual Celebration of Healthy Aging, a free all-day event hosted by Shoreline Eldercare Alliance (SEA), was held Sept. 13 at Woodwinds in Branford.

SEA is a not-for-profit advocacy group dedicated to educating and guiding seniors and the wider community about healthy aging and senior life services. SEA hosts educational presentations throughout the year and is available for presentations to groups and individual consultations.

The Celebration of Healthy Aging is an annual free all-day event that honors seniors. It includes an interactive wellness room where attendees meet and chat with wellness exhibitors.

This year, Dr. Richard Marottolli of Yale’s Adler Clinic was the keynote speaker and highlighted activity and creativeness as key to healthy aging.

The second annual Bernadette DiGiulian Healthy Aging/Embrace Life Award was awarded to Eunice Kaymen of Branford. Sylvia Rifkin,102, the recipient of the 2022 award, presented Kaymen with her trophy. This award highlights a person who is 80 or older who embraces life physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually throughout life.

Kaymen is 98 years of age and has lived in her own home in Branford for over 40 years. She continues to be an active member of the Branford community and of her neighborhood. She has many friends whom she continues to entertain in her home, she is a member of a book club, and she is a member of the First Congregational Church of Branford. Kaymen was a substitute teacher with Branford Public School System until she was 92. She has volunteered for many groups, such as the Branford Historical Society.

The day also included The Survivors Big Band, a talk by humorist and educator Joyce Saltman, and a lunch for all.

Many local organizations help sponsor this event, including the Branford Community Foundation in partnership with Guilford Savings Bank.