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10/03/2023 12:46 PM

Madison Poll Volunteers Honored


A coalition of state and local officials honored the town’s election poll workers for decades of service and dedication at a cermony on Sept. 27. In light of past harassment of and threats to poll workers, including some from Connecticut, leaders said this was an opportune time to remind the community of the sacrifice that these volunteers undertake.

Officials included Connecticut Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas, First Selectwoman Peggy Lyons, Selectmen Jen Gordon and Al Goldberg, Madison Registrar of Voters Jim Newton and Ann Devine, State Senator Christine Cohen (D12), and State Representative John-Michael Parker (D101), all of whom praised the dedication of the town’s election volunteers.

Thomas spoke of her experience of understanding just how vital poll workers are to a functioning government.

“I think today, more than ever, we need to recognize the critical role that you play,” Thomas said. “Ever since I was elected, I have been very impressed with the integrity of all the registrars, the poll workers, the town clerks that I have met. Many people simply don’t understand the responsibilities or the seriousness with which all of the people in your positions take your job. So, we are hoping that events like these will help spread the word not only about your hard work and dedication but also about your service that you are undertaking for your community.”

Cohen said that she and her colleagues feel committed to recognizing how much effort elections require from volunteers and how critical their service is to the process.

“I am so grateful that all of you do this because all of you truly are the backbone of our democracy. We could not have fair elections without each of you. In this day and age especially…when we hear about elections being questioned, I think that recognition of your service is so vital. I want to thank you for being the embodiment of civic duty,” Cohen said.

Lyons noted that poll workers’ perseverance through the challenges presented by COVID-19 should also be lauded.

“I want to thank everybody here. It is a team effort here, and our elections are really a well-oiled machine. The town greatly appreciates your service. We have had very little in the way of complaints about our elections process here in Madison, and I think that is a testament to all the hard work you folks have done over the years,” Lyons said.

Those honored during the ceremony included Laura Downes, Mary Patricia Nardino, Barbara DeRosa, Barbara Kelley, Rose Ann MacDonald, Wanda Neilson, Pat VanDeventer, Ann Devine, William Gowanlock, Susannah Graedel, Wendy Hansen, Robert Risley, Suzanne Risley Carol Bostrom, Audrey Cameron, and Elizabeth King.