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09/15/2023 04:39 PM

Never Forget: Branford Holds 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

Members of Branford’s police and fire departments in attendance at the Town of Branford 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony at Branford Fire Headquarters on Sept. 11. Pam Johnson/The Sound
The Town of Branford held a 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony at Branford Fire Headquarters on Sept. 11. Pam Johnson/The Sound
Members of Branford High School Music Makers listen to remarks given by Branford Police Chaplain, Rev. Bill Keane. Pam Johnson/The Sound
Rifle Salute by Branford Police Department officers. Pam Johnson/The Sound
Members of Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps perform. Pam Johnson/The Sound
A busy morning for members of Branford Fire Department emphasized the important work of first responders during the Branford’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony at Branford Fire Headquarters on Sept. 11. Pam Johnson/The Sound

A busy morning for members of Branford Fire Department emphasized the important work of first responders during the Branford’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony held at Branford Fire Headquarters on Sept. 11.

Several of the town’s professional firefighters and paramedics responded to emergency calls during the ceremony, which got underway at 8:30 a.m. With sirens punctuating the start of the solemn gathering, Assistant Fire Chief Brian Koczak welcomed those in attendance.

“For a lot of us here, it’s easy for us to never forget what happened on September 11. I remember the exact time, where I was, what happened, the images,” said Koczak. “There’s a whole bunch of us in the workforce that remember what happened, but there are newer members of the workforce, and the children that are in schools today, who weren’t there and don’t understand the impact that it had on us. It’s our job to carry that forward and pass along our stories, what we remember, the feelings that we felt; so that we never forget.”

Koczak also noted that cancer-related deaths continue to rise among those who worked “on the pile” during the days and weeks following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001.

The ceremony included presentation of the colors by Branford Police and Fire Department members, Pledge of Allegiance led by Police Chief John Mulhern, The Firefighters Prayer by Branford volunteer firefighter Nathanial Dornfeld, The Police Officers Prayer by Branford police officer John Campanelli (retired NYPD officer), and Rifle Salute by Branford Police Department officers. Due to being out on a call, firefighters/paramedics Shannon Filo and Garett Lizee were not available to perform the ceremony’s scheduled Tolling of the Bell. Musical performances were given by Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps and Branford High School Music Makers.

Branford First Selectman Jamie Cosgrove said the terrible events of Sept. 11, 2001 hit at the heart of the nation and galvanized all to “never forget.”

“We may ask ourselves, how could we forget? Still to this day, 22 years later, most can recall with great detail the day, and the range of emotions that overwhelmed them. However, since that day, a new generation is among us. So it is our obligation to teach the following generations to never forget,” said Cosgrove.

Cosgrove noted that obligation to future generations was especially important to late Branford Selectman Joseph Higgins, who passed away in June 2020. A Fire Department of New York (FDNY) veteran and native of Bronx, New York, Higgins and his wife Angela moved to Branford in 2006 following his retirement from FDNY as deputy director of dispatch operations.

Higgins led FDNY dispatch operations on Sept. 11, 2001 in Manhattan during the attack and collapse of the WTC towers and was also on-site that day. Among 343 NYFD first responders who died that day, Higgins lost 79 of his personal friends. In Connecticut, Higgins became well-known among local fire department communities and sought as a speaker for 9/11 events. Since 2006, Higgins and his wife had been instrumental in helping to bring Branford together each year to remember 9/11.

Branford Selectwoman Angela Higgins read the remarks her husband had shared in 2019 at the last Branford 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony he attended. Additionally, she congratulated 2023 Joseph E. Higgins Jr. 9/11 Memorial Scholarship Award recipients Denise Stine and Joseph Petrosino Jr. The scholarships, given to those seeking a career as a first responder, were presented during the ceremony by Robert Imperato, Branford tax collector; and Liza Petra, Branford Community Foundation executive director.

The ceremony was guided with opening prayer, remarks, and closing prayer by Branford Police Chaplain Rev. Bill Keane.

“When the tragic events of this day first unfolded, we were likely tempted to want to forget forever what had come to pass,” said Keane. “But it is our courage and our compassion that call us to recollect and remember. For in reconsidering the moments of our mournful distress and anguish, we must also find refreshed the memories of the loving sacrifice and incredible heroism that overwhelmingly eclipsed evil.”