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09/13/2023 03:38 PM

Branford Primary Supports Incumbent Challenger, GOP Committee-Endorsed Candidates

The Sept. 12 primary election held at Indian Neck School in Branford for Republican candidate positions running in November to represent District 5 on the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) supported incumbent challenger Carolyn Sires, who received the most votes, together with other candidates on the Republican Town Committee-endorsed ticket. Photo by Pam Johnson/The Sound

Results of a Sept. 12 primary election in Branford for Republican candidate positions running in November to represent District 5 on the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) supported incumbent challenger Carolyn Sires, who received the most votes, together with other candidates on the Republican Town Committee-endorsed ticket.

The results show Sires received 105 votes on Sept. 12, followed by Republican Town Committee-endorsed ticket members Raymond Ingraham, who received 102 votes; Dennis Flanigan, who received 90 votes; Kyle Nelson, who received 81 votes; and Don Conklin, who received 72 votes.

The Sept. 12 primary election was held at Indian Neck School. Of the district’s 691 registered Republican electors, 158 checked in as having voted, or 22.87%, according to official results finalized by the Registrars of Voters with Town Clerk Lisa Arpin.

The RTM has five elective positions representing District 5. Currently, District 5 is represented by RTM members Don Conklin (R), Tracy Everson (D), Dennis Flanigan (R), Raymond Ingraham (R), and Carolyn Sires (R).