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09/11/2023 12:41 PM

Chester Republicans Nominate Two for Top Spots


Press Release from the Chester GOP

Chester Republicans unanimously nominated two longtime Chester residents — Ron Amara and Paul Radicchi — with deep family and community ties and leadership, business, and management skills, as the candidates for first selectman and a Board of Selectmen seat in the fall election on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

“We’ve seen the other party, year after year, put forward individuals who lacked the experience, solid business, and budget foundations to govern Chester, which is a $14 million-a-year business that directly impacts 3,700-plus residents in myriad ways,” said Carolynn Kane, Chester Republican town chairwoman.

“This year, we have strong, educated, experienced, and knowledgeable candidates,” said Kane. “They are going to work extra hard to convince voters to look past party labels and blue-sky promises. It’s time Chester voters looked at their tax bills and the negative effects of years of largely unpublicized deals that were hard on their wallets.”

This Nov. 7 is about Chester — not political labels — and it is time for stronger leadership, said Kane.

“Ron Amara is our candidate for first selectman. Ron has lived in town for almost four decades, raised three wonderful children here, and Ron has been very active with our children’s sports leagues. Ron has a bachelor of accounting degree and has worked many years with budgets, businesses, and concrete ideas — he will make an excellent first selectman,” Kane said.

“Many people know Ron as ‘Coach Ron’ from years of coaching Chester Little League through coaching at Valley Regional High School,” Kane said.

Paul Radicchi is a lifetime Chester resident, active in town government and his church, a family man who, with his wife, Dawn, raised their two boys in Chester.

“Paul is a key part of the Amara-Radicchi ticket. I’ve known Paul since he coached my son — Paul is a great guy, beloved by many folks,” Kane said.

Amara said, “I’m hoping people can put party labels aside, put aside their prejudices and politics. This is a local election, and it affects our children, our town workers, all our residents, and businesspeople. That is what I am going to work for — to make Chester a better place for the people who live and work in our town.”

Radicchi said, “I am running to represent all the people and all their interests. Chester deserves good government, and Ron and I believe we will be the best choice to make that happen.”

Kane said, “The candidates are organizing their campaign and intend to quickly get out in the community to share their ideas and answer your questions. Stay tuned for more candidate insights as we move toward Election Day.”

“We’ve got top-notch, no-nonsense leaders. Put the party labels aside and vote for the best candidates, who are clearly Ron Amara and Paul Radicchi,” said Kane.