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09/11/2023 12:40 PM

EHFD Adopts First Station Support Dog


It seemed like any other hot summer day down at the East Haven Town Beach on Aug. 20 when one of its regulars spotted a six-month-old Beagle mix trapped inside a scorching hot car. Another individual at the beach posted a notice of needed assistance to free the dog from the vehicle.

The East Haven Fire and Animal Control departments headed to the scene and were able to use forcible entry tools to save the dog, who had been huddling underneath the passenger side dashboard for shade. Animal control was able to locate his owners, who chose to surrender the dog to them. Recognizing a temperament and demeanor fit for a firehouse and its fighters, the East Haven Fire Department (EHFD) decided to adopt the canine, now known as Riggs, as its first-ever station support dog.

“As Riggs settles into his new role, the department looks forward to the positive impact he will have on the well-being of the firefighters and the broader community,” read a press release from the Office of Mayor Joseph Carfora.

Not only did social media play a role in saving Riggs’s life, but it also played a role in the process through which he was given his name. According to EHFD Chief Matthew Marcarelli, the department asked residents to select from five different “fire service-themed” names for Riggs on social media and received around 7,500 responses, the majority of which chose his eventual name.

The Office of Mayor Carfora said that the name Riggs is “a fitting moniker that embodies strength, loyalty, and resilience.” It’s also a fitting name for a canine that will work with the fire department.

“‘Riggs’ is kind of a fire service jargon for a fire truck. [Firefighters] normally don’t say, ‘Hey guys, let’s go get on the fire truck.’ It’s, ‘Let’s hop on the rig,’” said Marcarelli.

Marcarelli expressed his gratitude to the people of East Haven for their involvement in giving Riggs his suitable name and a place in the community.

“The East Haven Fire Department is deeply grateful to the residents of East Haven for taking the time to participate in this endeavor,” said Marcarelli. “Each vote not only solidified a name, but also underscored the vital role the community plays in fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie within the fire department.”

Riggs’s place in the community will be primarily one of helping to “provide a way of relieving the stressors and post-traumatic stress that firefighters and first responders see,” said Marcarelli.

He mentioned studies that evidence the “cumulative and debilitating effect that stress has on first responders” and that the presence of someone like Riggs can help mitigate stressors.

“Looking at the model that other departments have used, a station support dog actually provides a conduit for first responders to alleviate some of the stressors that are affiliated with the job. That’s what we’re hoping he has an effect on our personnel in that regard,” said Marcarelli.

Riggs’s supportive role for firefighters is already observable, and he has appeared to find a home at the firehouse.

“He’s got a great relationship with all the firefighters that work here at headquarters. They’ll come back from a call, and you can immediately see a change in their demeanor once Riggs greets them at the top of the stairs,” said Marcarelli.

Riggs will not only be providing support for first responders, he will also serve as a canine ambassador of the fire department for town residents. October is Fire Prevention Month, while the week of Oct. 8 to 14 is a time when fire departments across the country will work to raise awareness about fire safety and protection. The month will be a time for Riggs to make his big splash with the residents of East Haven and its schoolchildren.

“Typically, the fire department goes to all the schools, and they engage the students in fire prevention activities, public fire prevention education, and he would accompany the firefighters to the schools,” said Marcarelli.

“We’re really excited to get them out in the public and help us with public engagement as well.”

Through his support for first responders and interactions with the public, Riggs has now found a home in East Haven, says Mayor Carfora.

“He is an official ambassador for the department and the residents,” Carfora said. “Riggs is an Eastie now.”