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09/11/2023 02:29 PM

Branford Poet Laureate Search Launched by Blackstone Library

Joining other towns across Connecticut, the James Blackstone Memorial Library is establishing an honorary Poet Laureate post for Branford. Applications are now being accepted for the three-year post. Image courtesy of Blackstone Library

Press release from James Blackstone Memorial Library

Joining other towns across Connecticut, the James Blackstone Memorial Library is establishing an honorary Poet Laureate post for Branford. Applications are now being accepted. Visit for program information and an application.

The mission of Branford’s Poet Laureate Program is to celebrate the value of poetry and use poetry as a means to inspire, inform, and entertain the community at large. The Branford Poet Laureate serves as the ambassador of the community’s vibrant literary life, promoting its literary community, and celebrating the written word.

Requirements include a love and knowledge of poetry, experience writing poetry, and a willingness to teach poetry writing workshops and organize poetry readings. The applicant must meet the residency requirement for obtaining a library card at one of the Branford public libraries, must be 18 years of age or older, and willing to collaborate with other town poets to develop and present poetry-related activities. The three-year post is an honorary position and carries no stiped.

Applicants can self-nominate or be nominated by others, and should submit a completed application form, a brief author’s statement, samples of up to five poems, a resume or CV, and two letters of recommendation to the Blackstone Library by Friday, Oct. 6.. Please email submissions to Katy McNicol, Library Director, at, or submissions can also be mailed or hand-delivered to the library at 758 Main Street, Branford, CT 06405.