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08/08/2023 11:01 AM

West Nile Virus Positive Mosquitoes Reported in Branford and East Haven

Press Release from East Shore District Health Department

The East Shore District Health Department has received confirmation that mosquitoes recently sampled in Branford and East Haven carried the West Nile Virus. The mosquitoes were collected on July 27 at the Hosley Avenue site in Branford and the Kenneth Street area of East Haven.

The species of mosquito carrying West Nile Virus can be found in a wide variety of places, such as old tires, stagnant pools of ground water, artificial containers, and catch basins. The warm weather, high humidity, and frequent rainfall that have created ideal conditions that are conducive to the spreading of mosquitoes infected with West Nile Virus.

Thus far, there have not been any human cases reported in Connecticut this summer. In 2014, there were six human cases in Connecticut, one of which was a resident of East Haven.

People are most vulnerable to the West Nile Virus in August and September. With a good deal of summer still remaining, mosquitoes will be around for several more months, and proper precautions should be taken in order to avoid mosquito bites.

Personal protection measures include: minimizing the time spent outdoors around dusk and dawn; making sure that door and window screens are tight fitting and in good repair; wearing shoes, socks, long pants, and a long-sleeved shirt when and where mosquitoes are most active; using mosquito netting when sleeping to protect small babies when outdoors; and considering the use of mosquito repellent containing DEET when it is necessary to be outdoors.

The East Shore Health District is also advising that people continue eliminating stagnant water in and around their properties. This includes taking measure such as: disposing of water holding containers, such as ceramic pots, used tires, and tire swings; drilling holes in bottoms of recycling containers; cleaning clogged roof gutters; turning over plastic wading pools and wheelbarrows; changing water in bird baths on a weekly basis; cleaning and chlorinating swimming pools that are not being used, including pool covers; and using landscaping to eliminate standing water on property.

Mosquitoes are collected approximately every 10 days. The towns of Branford and East Haven have funded a mosquito larvicide program that includes application of larvicide to mosquito breeding areas, as well as storm water catch basin larvicide treatments.

The East Shore District Health Department locally administers the program that includes mosquito and human surveillance and aggressive elimination of mosquito breeding conditions. For more information, contact the Health District at 203-481-4233 or visit its website at