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07/13/2023 08:15 AM

South-Central Regional Traffic Squad Summer Enforcement Campaign Launches July 13

North Branford, Branford, East Haven, Guilford, North Haven and Madison Police Departments Participating to Enhance Road Safety
Launching July 13, the South-Central Regional Traffic Squad, comprised of the Branford, East Haven, Guilford, North Branford, North Haven, and Madison Police Departments, will commence its summer enforcement campaign. Key areas of concern to be targeted include speeding violations, distracted driving, aggressive driving, driving under the influence (DUI), and checking for unregistered vehicles. By addressing these significant issues head-on, the aim is to minimize risks on roadways and enhance public safety. Image from North Branford Police Department/Facebook

Press Release, North Branford Police Department

The South-Central Regional Traffic Squad, comprised of the Branford, East Haven, Guilford, North Branford, North Haven, and Madison Police Departments, is proud to announce the commencement of its summer enforcement campaign. With a strong focus on ensuring road safety, the campaign aims to curb traffic violations, reduce traffic crashes, and create a safer driving environment for all.

Beginning July 13, the South-Central Regional Traffic Squad will intensify its efforts in enforcing traffic laws within our communities. The campaign will target several key areas of concern, including speeding violations, distracted driving, aggressive driving, driving under the influence (DUI), and checking for unregistered vehicles. By addressing these significant issues head-on, we aim to minimize risks on our roadways and enhance public safety.

This collaborative initiative among the member towns underscores our shared commitment to keeping our communities safe. By pooling our resources, expertise, and personnel, we can effectively address the pressing traffic concerns that impact our residents and visitors alike.

The South-Central Regional Traffic Squad is dedicated to maintaining a proactive presence throughout the summer months, promoting compliance with traffic regulations, and taking appropriate enforcement action when necessary. We strive to create a responsible and law-abiding driving culture through increased patrols, targeted operations, and public awareness campaigns.

"We are fully committed to enhancing road safety within our region," said Sergeant Joseph Mulhern of the East Haven Police Department, spokesperson for the South-Central Regional Traffic Squad. "By conducting rigorous enforcement activities and raising public awareness, we aim to reduce traffic violations, deter reckless driving behaviors, and ultimately save lives."

The South-Central Regional Traffic Squad urges all motorists to actively promote road safety by adhering to speed limits, eliminating distractions while driving, practicing courteous and defensive driving techniques, refraining from driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and ensuring vehicle registration compliance. Together, we can make a significant impact and ensure the well-being of everyone on our roads.