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06/29/2023 07:49 AM

EHFD Using Federal Grant to Purchase CPR Compression Devices

Press release from East Haven Mayor’s Office

On June 12, East Haven Mayor Joseph Carfora and Fire Chief Matt Marcarelli announced the awarding of $121,835 in federal assistance that will go directly to the town’s fire department for the acquisition of CPR compression devices. Since 2017, the East Haven Fire Department (EHFD) has been awarded more than $1.62 million through Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant programs.

The federal funding is being awarded through the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters grant program. The funds, which were supported by the legislative contingent of Senator Dick Blumenthal, Senator Christopher Murphy, United States Representative Rosa DeLauro, and State Representative Joe Zullo, will be used to purchase a total of five state-of-the-art CPR compression devices that will be carried on all fire department apparatus.

“The department is really excited about this award. CPR Compression devices have proven efficacy. One study indicates that there was as much as a 164% of return of a heartbeat with implementation of these devices,” Marcarelli said. “They’ve also shown a 21% increased blood flow to the brain. 99% of cardiac arrest survivors had an improved neurological outcome when a compression device was used. The devices also free up the hands of a rescuer who may be needed to provide airway management or administer medications to the patient who is in cardiac arrest.”

“In a department that has seen an unprecedented increase in calls for service, our people can be spread thin, and it’s sometimes all hands on deck,” Marcarelli continued. “During 2022, the EHFD responded to 7417 calls including 70 cardiac arrests where BLS and ALS were administered; 285 cardiac arrests in the past three years. These devices will help until there are more personnel. Now, every fire unit career and volunteer will have a mechanical CPR compression device to deploy at a cardiac arrest. This is lifesaving technology.”

Mayor Carfora was just as happy as Marcarelli to see the EHFD receive the funding that will allow for the purchase of these CPR compression devices.

"Since I have taken office, I have encouraged Chief Marcarelli to aggressively pursue grant funds whenever possible to reduce the financial obligation on the town, who would normally fund these purchases,” Carfora said. “Marcarelli has a great track record, bringing in nearly $2 million dollars. I commend the Chief for his work on this highly competitive grant. and I am pleased to support his efforts.”

“This equipment will save lives in East Haven, and we are fortunate to have a great team of professionals who do great work,” Carfora continued. “{We are also thankful for U.S. Senators Blumenthal and Murphy, Representative DeLauro, and State Representative Zullo for continuing to support the Assistance to Firefighters grant program. This is another example of how our cooperative relationship benefits East Haven residents.”