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03/22/2023 08:11 AM

Fundraiser Auction to Benefit Annual Nite in Hand


An auction night of fun and prizes on March 31 at Camp Laurelwood will raise funds for a “nite” of fun and prizes. Daniel Hand High School’s graduation night party, Nite in Hand (NIH), is a 35-year tradition that depends on community involvement, according to organizers, and as expenses have increased dramatically for events such as NIH, they are seeking community input.

Auction Co-chairs Leah Grenier and Sarah Valentine said the annual auction is the only major fundraiser conducted by the organizers, and the project relies on community support.

“This is actually the only fundraising event that we have for Nite in Hand,” said Valentine. “So, we rely on and appreciate any help from our community. This is all about creating a safe, substance-free place for our graduates to be together as a class and celebrate responsibly. This is a big milestone for these kids, and it is a really special event.”

According to Valentine, the NIH, like many sponsored events, is facing significant increases in the cost of mounting the project.

“Everything is costing a little bit more. The auction is such a fun event where the community gets to step up its support as far as donating items to help us raise money. Although this is for one class, it’s really the community coming together to support the kids, support the families, and support the school,” Valentine said.

Grenier said the event is even more important to her as the parent of a graduating senior.

“This is the 35th year of Nite in Hand, and it is such a great send-off for our graduating seniors where they can make lots of memories. The community really steps up and helps out with the auction and with also donating monetarily,” said Grenier. “Knowing that my child and the rest of the class have a safe place to go brings some peace of mind, but it’s really about the students. And it’s so much fun for them. I happened to go last year to take some photographs, and the kids just have a blast.”

This year’s NIH will be on Friday, June 16,

and is an overnight event that will run from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. It is a fun, safe, substance-free night of celebration for Hand’s graduating seniors, according to Grenier. Students are chaperoned by parents and community volunteers and are required to stay the entire designated time of the event and leave collectively.

“We really urge folks to come out and support Nite in Hand and have a great time; the auction is a really fun event,” said Grenier.

The NIH auction is on Friday, March 31, at Camp Laurelwood, 463 Summer Hill Road, Madison, and will run from 6 to 9 p.m. The auction is an adults-only event that will include exciting auction items, a cash bar, light snacks, and great company, according to Grenier. Attendees will also receive five raffle tickets at the door on the auction night.

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